Mergie Marauder
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Re: Teal Season UPDATE ! ! !

Sat Mar 22, 2014 10:26 am

molkster wrote:I am on the board for MN Waterfowl Assoc.. When asked by Outdoor News what MWA's stance was on the Early Teal season we went back to our members and anyone else who we knew were waterfowler's, "Do you want an Early Teal season?" 80 percent said no, some said they did't care
and very few wanted it. In the Mississippi Flyway. Minnesota shoots over 30 % of the Teal.
That is a lot. Most Southern states such as Louisianna allow a mistake bird. " That there Canvasback
shore looked like a Teal to me officer." Many of our hunters expressed to me that in late August
many Teal that were in the late hatch as of last year are still growing and trying to put on the
fat for there long journey south, some as far away as South America.
This is my first time on one of these sites. If you feel you want your message heard join a waterfowl
organization and voice your opinion as a group. We will take your message to the DNR and the Legislature, Thanks for caring about the ducks.

Gee sir, a flock came in on October 5 and I tripled, turns out they were all canvasbacks, but they sure did look like teal... What's the difference???? A law breaker is a law breaker, why is the MWA in favor of taking away opportunity from law abiding hunters simply bc someone MIGHT break the same law they are going to break durin the regular season?

What were the reasons given by the people who said no?

And you say 30% of the flyways teal are shot in Minnesota... Last year we shot about 120,000 blue wings (I not going to include green wings when discussing an early September hunt, even if I did I doubt your average is correct), so what you're saying is the entire Mississippi only shot 360,000-400,000 teal last year? According to the usfws the flyway shot around 900,000. Sooooo somebody here is lieing. Or someone is using statistics they were told were true, but were lied to when originally told.

You make it sound like you are just voicing the opinions of MWA members which I suppose is what you are supposed to do. But what is it about the typical MWA member that makes them have such a strong opinion against any rule change that will increase opportunities for Minnesota hunters?

In a state that is losing it's waterfowl heritage mainly due to crappy hunting (yes I know there can be great hunting in Minnesota... You gotta scout blah blah blah), why on earth would anyone, but especially a group that claims to support Minnesota's waterfowlers, oppose an opportunity to hunt one our most abundant species before they migrate or are pushed out of the state by goose hunters and the sacred cow of YWD?
"When we have as many hot button issues going on as we do at any given time, we must use a science based approach to management. It is not always the most popular, but is the only way way we can defend ourselves." Tom Landwehr, September 2013

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Re: Teal Season UPDATE ! ! !

Sat Mar 22, 2014 11:01 am

If we kill 30% of the blue wings in mn that must mean we kill every single bwt left in the state on opening day.

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Re: Teal Season UPDATE ! ! !

Sat Mar 22, 2014 11:34 am

John, (Molkster) welcome to MN Fowl.

FYI, I did a poll right after the Waterfowl Symposium on here and another site. 2/3 would hunt it if offered.

John, only 20% here and at the Refuge Mn forum said that definately would pass on the participating in the early teal season if offered. Click this link: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=472

Thus it is the the opposite %s of what you had heard and I can see why some here are disappointed and few guys ticked off. And they have a point about asking why apparently is not the MWA more proactive towards hunter opportunity? That kind of surprised me too. I was so surpised in fact that is why I called Brad to confirm what the BoD decided. And also for me to try to understand the reasoning (which I understand) behind the decision and I tried to convey that yesterday in a post.

Is a 6 a day with a 5-9 day teal season the best option for MN. No it is not in my informed opinion.

I still say the "best" would be that the USFWS allow states to open up the duck season after Sept 1 and so we could use 2 days of the reg season in mid Sept for a 2 day all ducks are legal season. This elimantes the ethical delima of potentially shooting miss IDd ducks in a teal only season and yet allows hunter opportinity.


Labor day weekend--Goose over land season opens. (no water hunting--this eliminates potential conflicts with swimmers/fishermen/boaters, lakeshore residents/vacationers, etc on Labor day weeknd).

Then a 2 day all duck and geese season the 2nd weekend.

Close all water goose for 5 days

Have the 1 day YWD

Close all water goose hunting.

4th Sat have the regular duck opener.

This is the "best" as far as I can see it for hunters to harvest Teal. But it would take years to impliment as the USFWS would have to change when a duck season could open. Maybe this is something the MWA could be proactive about?

And here is another option under what likely the Feds would go along with for this fall: Do you think that the BoD would be supportive of a 2 day, 4 teal a day season the 2nd weekend of Sept option? Remember that Mn can be more restrictive than what the Feds allow (6 per day and 5-9 day season)
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Re: Teal Season UPDATE ! ! !

Sat Mar 22, 2014 12:55 pm

Al, just how many days a year do you hunt waterfowl?
Ask Al how to successfully nest wood ducks, see you next season.

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Re: Teal Season UPDATE ! ! !

Sat Mar 22, 2014 12:57 pm

molkster wrote:Minnesota shoots over 30 % of the Teal. That is a lot

That is grossly inaccurate. I don't have time to look up the real numbers now but I will later.
molkster wrote:Most Southern states such as Louisianna allow a mistake bird

No they don't.
Please name for us the states that do allow a "mistake bird." Are there any or is that something you guys over at MWA made up too?

You obviously don't have any idea what you're talking about and it makes me mad as hell that you were one of the guys that chimed in on this speaking on others behalf. Here's a tip, before you open your fat mouth and screw over other hunters at least take the time to inform yourself before passing along a haphazard opinion based on fiction.

Seriously, what a joke! I can't believe that you're on the board for MWA and are just making stuff up. If you're going to come out against something you damn well better know what you're talking about before doing so.
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Re: Teal Season UPDATE ! ! !

Sat Mar 22, 2014 5:40 pm

I for one feel that the early teal season is not in the best interest for MN waterfowling. I understand the positions of the vocal majority here, and the argument they have put forward is valid. The truth of the matter is though, is that no one knows how this will impact waterfowl, waterfowl hunters or hunter recruitment...all arguments made in support of the season (some here, some on other sites).

My opinion is based on the evidence myself and a lot of other hunters have experienced as the DNR has increasingly allowed seasons over water prior to opening day....youth waterfowl as well as the early goose over water. I do believe that it decreases the opportunity for those who base the success of their season on the first two days of the season. And what is the importance of the opener? My opinion is that as far as hunter recruitment as well as retention is concerned...the opener is the single most important event in the season. The traditions and rituals that revolve around this day are what keep the vast majority of hunters buying a stamp every year. I also understand that we could just look at the teal season as the opener instead of the traditional opener...but given the weakened state of the waterfowl hunter population in this state I don't think it's a good idea.

Understand that there are about 80,000 (can't recall the exact number...but forgive me if this off) duck hunters in this state....and there are about 20 regular posters on this even though in this small group there is much agreement on really doesn't accurately measure the opinions of the entire waterfowling population of this state.

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Re: Teal Season UPDATE ! ! !

Sat Mar 22, 2014 6:46 pm

Last time I hunter Canada you could shoot 8 hen mallards. Their season opened so early you couldn't tell a hen from an eclipse drake. If minnesota opens any earlier is their a chance that we could shoot all hens?
Ask Al how to successfully nest wood ducks, see you next season.

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Re: Teal Season UPDATE ! ! !

Sat Mar 22, 2014 8:37 pm

Pro: duck season opens throughout sask on sept 1... How short is their breeding season?!

Con: our state could easily field more duck hunters than all of Canada.

Question: how many ducks breed in sask vs mn?

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Re: Teal Season UPDATE ! ! !

Sat Mar 22, 2014 8:49 pm

Quack wrote:Pro: duck season opens throughout sask on sept 1... How short is their breeding season?!

Con: our state could easily field more duck hunters than all of Canada.

Question: how many ducks breed in sask vs mn?

What does that have to do with the statement about shooting hens?
Ask Al how to successfully nest wood ducks, see you next season.

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Re: Teal Season UPDATE ! ! !

Sat Mar 22, 2014 10:07 pm


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