Mergie Marauder
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Re: Job Shadow

Sun Mar 30, 2014 8:40 am

Quack wrote:You might want to shadow a job that will actually have income potential in the future.

Ask everyone in the "waterfowl industry" how long they had to work a day job (or many jobs) while trying to "live the dream" . . . most probably still are, or have a wife with a good job, or barely making it.

Then take into consideration a job that actually pays retirement, benefits, and high enough wages for disposable income / time off. If you want to hunt a lot, get a job with high pay and less than full time requirements / flexible scheduling / non-bankers schedule.

Also look to jobs that are in demand in rural areas.

If I were starting over... rural attorney, HVAC, plumber, accountant, mortician, anything medical.

Although this is generally good advice, working in a job that you actually enjoy often times means more then high pay.
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Re: Job Shadow

Sun Mar 30, 2014 8:51 am

^^^^ Good sound advice on both accounts
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Re: Job Shadow

Sun Mar 30, 2014 3:18 pm

Like anyone that "enjoys their job" I've come to accept the choices I've made. No one said do something you hate if they pay enough.

That said, living on the edge of financial stability sucks. A lot of my free time is spent hustling- volunteering for causes I enjoy and scratching up some "walking around money"

I've got it pretty good... But it sure sucked not taking a trip out of state to hunt or even taking a bunch of mornings off to hunt local.

It's not the money a guy should chase... It's freedom, security, and opportunity. Which, oddly enough, tends to come with having money in the bank.

Some folks LOVE their career but for most people a job is just how they pay the bills.

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Re: Job Shadow

Mon Mar 31, 2014 1:20 pm

Medical field is wide open. nurse doctor lab hospitality surgical assistants management theres 100's of different careers in medicine, tons of jobs, potential to work 3 days a week and $$$$. Im a CRNA it pays really well with great hours and lots of days off to hunt. with that said I worked my ass off be in an ICU nurse for atleast 2 years get accepted into a program and live with no income for 30 months but in the end I work 7/14 days in a 2 week period and gross 150k. plus there are lots of women in medicine and you can land a CRNA for a wife which I did. :D gas em all
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Bill Gilbertson
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Re: Job Shadow

Mon Mar 31, 2014 2:09 pm

Job shadowing is a wonderful experience. My younger son thought he wanted to be a pilot. So he shadowed a NWA pilot for a day. That changed his mind.

He got his degree in mechanical engineering. During college he administered a message board/chat room, spotted an unmet need, and created That is earning an income to this day. So now he's an IT guy.

I recommend finding something you enjoy and that pays well. Keep the dream interests as a hobby. Having adequate discretionary income opens up a lot of possibilities of doing fun stuff in your free time. The computer SW industry treated me very well.

If you want to shadow a waterfowl outfitter, you could try Adam Johnson of First Flight Finishers as he is also from Lino Lakes. I have no idea how much money he makes at it. Phil Schmidt (formerly of Hutchinson) used to say that he made good money as an outfitter and he didn't need another job or a wife to support him. However, these guys work really hard and it takes years to establish a reputation and a customer base.

I am now in my third career - helping my older son run and develop his party rental business. We are based in Lino Lakes. So if you want a summer job to start to build your resume, feel free to contact me. We are always looking for personable hard-working people.
Last edited by Bill Gilbertson on Mon Mar 31, 2014 2:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Job Shadow

Mon Mar 31, 2014 2:44 pm

If I were to start over or do-it over again I would go into the medical field. Probably not as a Dr. but some other path. Flexability, demand, decent pay, small town living are pluses.

Coot Commander
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Re: Job Shadow

Wed Apr 02, 2014 8:16 am

I'M Going Into The Wrong Field It Seems. Always Important To Keep Your Options open. In The End It HaS To Be A Job You Can Stand 8 To 12 Hours A Day.

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Re: Job Shadow

Wed Apr 02, 2014 9:01 am

A job is always going to be a job. Even that job that you love when you start will someday become just a job. I've learned to not involve the things I truly live for too closely with's sad when they are relegated to being work. Find a job/career that you can tolerate and make decent money and have enough time off to enjoy the things you love away from work.
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Re: Job Shadow

Wed Apr 09, 2014 12:09 pm

There is small town medical jobs...but they come with small town pay and higher benefit costs like insurance. Just some things to think about.

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Job Shadow

Wed Apr 09, 2014 4:05 pm

I just spent the last day and a half evaluating hvac in a large hospital...the amount of job postings they had was staggering and many of the nurses were good looking and apparently single based on how they were acting in the bar nearby after work.

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