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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Will early gose mess up YWD?

Tue Aug 12, 2014 12:48 pm

Trigger wrote:
lanyard wrote:
Trigger wrote:But at no point have I ever thought my day would be better if there wasn't YWD or early goose.

Me neither. But my arguments aren't based off my success, it's based off statewide attitudes and a wish to make things favorable for the majority.

The same whiners said the same thing after lead was banned, think nets are why Mille Lacs is jacked, and apparently think early team is a bad idea.

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Re: Will early gose mess up YWD?

Tue Aug 12, 2014 12:56 pm

Trigger wrote:
lanyard wrote:
Trigger wrote:But at no point have I ever thought my day would be better if there wasn't YWD or early goose.

Me neither. But my arguments aren't based off my success, it's based off statewide attitudes and a wish to make things favorable for the majority.

Did you tell the old timers who hung it up because of ywd and early goose that?

I thought you said ywd and early goose scares off the ducks?

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Re: Will early gose mess up YWD?

Tue Aug 12, 2014 3:02 pm

Nershi wrote:Did you tell the old timers who hung it up because of ywd and early goose that?

I thought you said ywd and early goose scares off the ducks?

Yes I did, I told them thats why I quit hunting the well known public spots that used to be awesome on opener that we used to all hunt together, because now they are awsome on goose opener and YWD, but no longer on opener. I enjoy my 3 mile walk on opener, they are to old to do it. In Minnesota, you never had to try hard to shoot birds on opener. Now you do.

I did. Because it does.
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Re: Will early gose mess up YWD?

Tue Aug 12, 2014 5:23 pm

I hope that the Youths do not shoot anything. All the Blue Wing Teal migrated last night with the cold weather.

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Re: Will early gose mess up YWD?

Tue Aug 12, 2014 9:35 pm

Trigger wrote:
Nershi wrote: I enjoy my 3 mile walk on opener, they are to old to do it.

Super hardcore walking 3 miles on the opener, you defiantly earn the ducks you get, I'm sure it doesn't come thru in text but I wasn't being sarcastic. I pick my opening day spot based on ease of access, the old guys who took me out hunting when I was young (including ywd) can't get into the remote spots that hold lots of ducks anymore. I'm OK with getting 2 or 3 a piece as long as I get the old timers out there with me. Its my way of paying them back for getting me out as a kid.

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Re: Will early gose mess up YWD?

Wed Aug 13, 2014 9:10 am

Yeah we used to do very well on the easy to access spots, but those are the ones that now get hit hardest before the season. I would still thinks about taking them with and hunt some easy stuff but it's hard to when they say no, and don't buy a license.
"When we have as many hot button issues going on as we do at any given time, we must use a science based approach to management. It is not always the most popular, but is the only way way we can defend ourselves." Tom Landwehr, September 2013

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Re: Will early gose mess up YWD?

Thu Aug 14, 2014 8:42 pm

Trigger wrote:Yeah we used to do very well on the easy to access spots, but those are the ones that now get hit hardest before the season. I would still thinks about taking them with and hunt some easy stuff but it's hard to when they say no, and don't buy a license.

Bummer, hopefully you get out with them later in the year or maybe in nodak or wherever. 1 of the older guys I grew up with already dropped out and I think another is getting close ( 1 retired and moved away, the other is in tough shape). Not fun seeing the old guys give it up.

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Re: Will early gose mess up YWD?

Fri Aug 15, 2014 7:49 am

I was brought up hunting in a duck camp that had around 20 people. Throughout the years we have lost members and we are down to about 6. Some people had kids, one married a young lass that took up all his money and time, priorities change. The only member we lost because of poor duck hunting quit because we don't get the late season diver hunting like we used. My dad grew up in a camp with even more members and watched the same thing happen. Most of those guys hung it up during the time when you could still go out and shoot a limit of birds sitting on point x just about every day. The only members from that duck camp that hunted until they were no longer physically able was my grandpa and his hunting partner. I suspect that the only member from the camp that I was brought up in that will hunt until the bitter end will be my dad.

Point is we have been losing the older duck hunters due to various reasons since duck hunting began. That's how things go. Duck hunter numbers aren't dropping because we are losing the old crowd. They are dropping because we aren't bringing in enough fresh blood. I think we aren't getting enough new hunters because of the way society is changing and population shifts. I think duck numbers and duck hunter success has a lot less to do with it than the simple fact that times are changing.

YWD is a recruitment tool. It may not be the best one but it does bring some people in to our sport. I have a hard time believing that we are suddenly going to see a surge in hunter numbers if we remove it but other people seem to think otherwise. The simple answer would be to drop it for five years and see what happens. The problem is bringing it back could take an act of congress. We would have studies, surveys, studies to analyze the surveys, etc. etc. I am guessing YWD brings more people in to our sport than we would get by removing it and having a few more uneducated ducks to shoot at on opening morning but maybe I'm wrong.

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Re: Will early gose mess up YWD?

Fri Aug 15, 2014 8:39 am

^^^ One of the best thought out and logical posts in a while here. Well said.
Last edited by h2ofwlr on Sat Aug 16, 2014 9:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Will early gose mess up YWD?

Fri Aug 15, 2014 10:53 am

And in some duck camps just can't wait for the "one" guy to quit, die, or get out of the way! ;-)

Along Nershi's line I was thinking this morning of all the different types of duck hunters I've known over the years.

1) The Gentleman: Doctor or Attorney type, loves invites to private clubs, particularly FREE invites, and is likely the type to "forget" buying their license, or stamps, or some other inconvenient thing they need for a weekend sponging off others. Shoots A LOT, wings/wounds most, most likely to stack a bunch of mergansers. Leaves when it's time to clean up, tries to make off with a nice brace of mallards he didn't shoot.

2) The Salesman: Business type. High expectations for efficiency and success. Has more than $10k invested in hunting rig. The Good: some of these guys are hardcore water fowlers, good at it. They put a premium on expertise. The Bad: some of these guys think coin makes up for inability. They suck at hunting, and can blow a hunt for everyone else on the water with their DB ways. The Ugly: A certain set of this group, after getting beat to a spot, they doesn't have a problem parking their Escalade at the top of a hill and shooting every time birds start decoy. Also most likely to shoot illegal birds if nothing else if is flying.

3) The Tag Along: the brother, nephew, uncle, son, buddy, whatever~ doesn't hunt often, admits he sucks. Often makes up for not being a "hunter" by bringing good food/booze to share. Isn't good at chore work, but tries. But, if you have to hunt with him more than one weekend a year, you want to kill him because he's always looking like he needs direction and waiting to be told what to do/where to go.

4) The Rooster: Likes to "crow". Generally backs it up with being good shot and knowing how to set a spread of decoys. Always in a race, even with best friends and his own kids. Generally seems to focus on functional gear that can give an advantage. Different than The Salesman, The Rooster relies on self-improvement and learning birds to give him an advantage, rather than technological advances to bring his game forward.

5) The Mouse: Quiet, diligent, doesn't compete. Will take a secondary spot to stay away from the crowd. Prefers to hunt alone. Generally patient, they like new/interested gunners. Roosters drive them a bit nuts, The Salesman makes him laugh. The Gentleman doesn't get any thought. Known to apologize for shooting more than the host of a hunt.

6) The Host: Always starts out thinking he is doing something nice by inviting people on a trip, to the land/club/etc. Requires thick skin as many of the characters think it is their right to be invited. Often gets stuck with family, particularly in-laws, that are bothersome. The Host comes to loathe hosting, but once on this track they have a hard time setting parameters on who can hunt their deal.

7) Young Guns: they get excited about EVERYTHING, as in they think they are the firs to EVER see something: ducks cupped and committed, a tornado, a good shot, etc. Most likely to have "team" names on hoodies. They call loud and often, whether they need it or not. Also, regardless of years water fowling, this group is an instant authority on anything/everything related to camo, decoys, guns, and ammo.

8) Cousin Eddie: hunts a lot but never figures anything out. Gear is a wreck, always late, but seems to make sure there is a bag of Mini-doughnuts in the blind bag.

9) The Show: can hunt, cook, clean birds, set-up camp. This is the Mad Skill hunter that just shows up and things happen. Can pick the right spot by sniffing the breeze, acts likes he's been there before, and doesn't make excuses for failure. Most likely to deliver on any question starting with, "Does anyone have (insert item here)".

Certain there's others. The challenge is that each of these types are motivated by different things. To actually recruit noobs/returners they need some special value proposition, because we're in America, where everyone is special.

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