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Re: YWD---Further DNR Hypocrisy

Fri Sep 04, 2015 6:11 pm

Just to be clear, I have no animosity towards your average Joe who brings his kids out on YWD. It's an opportunity to hunt ducks and most people don't read anymore into then that. That's how it should be.

I've lived in other states and it's great. There's none of this bullshyte. You just grab a copy of the regs and go hunt when you can. There's nothing remotely this political anywhere else. Other state departments do their best to provide the most opportunities they possibly can to facilitate their hunters having a great season. They're not a bunch of moral drama queens that contemplate how they should use their position of power to push ethics on the people they're supposed to be working on behalf of. That isn't the right way to manage wildlife and it is the most inefficient way. Why guys like Landwehr engages in public input from a bunch of idiot hunters and thinks he has a moral authority to try to gauge potential impacts of seasons is beyond me.

What I want to see in MN is very simple, it's very fair, and it's extremely efficient.

If a season is legally allowed and if there's no concerns for the population of the species being hunted, the season is held for the maximum amount of days with the maximum limits allowed. How much easier would that be for everyone?

When some idiot from the Wood Dork Society calls Landwehr concerned about the limit on woodies going from 2 to 3 he can now answer, "We were allowed to do it, the current population shows no concerns not do it, so we did it. That's how we set seasons. I'm sorry you're concerned but that's how we operate and we must stick to that."

Or Nylin calls on behalf of the MWFags over a teal season, "Sorry B-Rad, you know you're my BFF, but we were allowed a season, the current population shows no concerns for having a season, so we're going to hold a season. Simple as that Brad. I can't go against how we operate and set seasons, if I did, what am I supposed to tell the wolf crowd when they start bytching? I personally think it might be a little much to add 16 extra days of teal hunting but you know how we set seasons and my personal opinions and ethics should not and do not have any part in that process."

All the bullshyte is removed from the process. If down the road the sustainability of the population comes into question at the rate of the current season then you scale it back.

These azzholes act as if harvesting local ducks is like harvesting California Condors and there's only a finite amount they're trying to not run out of. Instead of irrationally worrying about what local ducks can handle just hold the seasons you're allowed and if their numbers dip then scale it back. Local ducks will rebound if temporarily over harvested after switching to more conservative regulations. The biggest factor in how many ducks raise a brood in MN is habitat. If a hen nests on a nice wetland and gets shot one year, a new hen will eventually replace her spot on that wetland and it probably won't take real long. If a hen nests on a wetland and it is drained and converted to agriculture or development she isn't coming back regardless of how conservative you set your seasons.

Nershi wrote:How come everyone assumes kids cripple a lot of birds?

There are two types of cripples; one that you're able to put down and retrieve and one that gets away to surely die later. For this discussion I'm talking about the ones that get away.

With that being said, I assume kids cripple a lot because when I was a kid I crippled a lot and the kids I've taken have crippled a lot. YWD is especially bad because all the birds that get crippled have to be put down by a kid that usually doesn't know what they're doing and often has to fumble around to get more shells in their gun to dispatch a duck or goose that will be gone before they successfully accomplish that. These are birds any experienced hunter would have no problem putting down. Plus almost every kid is an awful shot. They just are. I wasn't any good either. Any kid that can consistently kill the shyte they're supposed to kill is the rare exception.

Which is why it might be better to allow the adult mentors to also hunt on YWD. Two things would happen. One, less cripples would be lost. Two, drastically increased participation overall with the biggest increase coming in kids that would probably never otherwise be exposed to hunting.

You don't think the duck hunting bachelor or college guy would be knocking on doors trying to find a kid to bring along so he could get to duck hunt an extra day before the season starts? Single mothers hide your kids. The Big Brother Foundation would see a drastic surge in volunteers in late summer. This would be a good thing. Right now YWD consists of Dad's bringing their kids out that they would have brought out anyway without YWD. You might actually bring some new blood into the sport by giving an incentive to partake for the guys without less cripples.
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Re: YWD---Further DNR Hypocrisy

Fri Sep 04, 2015 6:38 pm

gimpfinger wrote:IMO giving certain groups "their day...their special right" is what's ruining this country.

Agreed. Like h2ofwlr said, YWD is the duck hunting version of "'everyone gets a trophy." 'Awards' for participation are meaningless pieces of trash. They're insulting to the children. Kids aren't stupid. You can't give them a participation ribbon after finishing dead last and think they're dumb enough to not realize they' performed terribly and lost. Thank god that crap didn't exist when I was a kid. I was a sore loser as it was, having an adult pat me on the back and tell me, "good job," and then giving me an award to commemorate how awful I was would have made me lose it.

Kids have it tough these many shytty parents trying to bubble wrap society to protect them. Then the kids grow up and the parents can't understand why they're unable to handle adversity when they struggle in life.
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Re: YWD---Further DNR Hypocrisy

Thu Sep 10, 2015 12:54 am

... And here I am asking my friends if they have any younger siblings I could take on YWD just so I could get to sit out another day in the blind this year. Now I feel like a patron of social and political injustice.

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Re: YWD---Further DNR Hypocrisy

Fri Sep 11, 2015 10:15 am

Fish Felon wrote: You don't think the duck hunting bachelor or college guy would be knocking on doors trying to find a kid to bring along so he could get to duck hunt an extra day before the season starts? Single mothers hide your kids. The Big Brother Foundation would see a drastic surge in volunteers in late summer. This would be a good thing. Right now YWD consists of Dad's bringing their kids out that they would have brought out anyway without YWD. You might actually bring some new blood into the sport by giving an incentive to partake for the guys without less cripples.

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get-n-birdy wrote:Remember, just because it's not legal doesn't mean you can't do it, there's just a fee if you get caught.

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Re: YWD---Further DNR Hypocrisy

Fri Sep 11, 2015 12:54 pm

maplelakeduckslayer wrote:My Dad took me YWD 1 or two times, and I thought at the time it was pretty cool he went through all the work just for me. But he also took me every other time he went duck hunting, it was always just me and him out duck hunting, every once in a great while one of my buddies would tag along. Did it grip me for life? No. Before my Dad even knew he could bring me and I could shoot, I would go duck hunting with him all the time, just sit in the boat with hot chocolate and binos. Spending time with him out there in the boat, even though I couldn't shoot, was what hooked me on it. It wasn't one special day

Someday I'd like to shake your Dad's hand. I wish there were a lot more dad's like this in the world.
Last edited by h2ofwlr on Fri Sep 11, 2015 9:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: YWD---Further DNR Hypocrisy

Fri Sep 11, 2015 1:38 pm

My bro, cousins, and I all went duck hunting long before we could shoot too. Make that WINGSHOOT SAFELY.

All these posts on Facebook about 5-8 year olds with .410s creep me out. I don't know any of these people or their kids, but that seems pretty young to me.

Teaching toddlers to pot shoot ducks ain't exactly my idea of hunter recruitment.

They should be knocking back hot chocolate and slaying the decoys with a BB gun at that age

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Re: YWD---Further DNR Hypocrisy

Fri Sep 11, 2015 2:58 pm

My kids were both in the boat by the age of 6. Daughter's interests are going a different direction. Son however is planning a cast and blast for MEA weekend. He's 7. He's pissed I won't let him shoot ducks yet, particularly after he heard about YWD.

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Re: YWD---Further DNR Hypocrisy

Fri Sep 11, 2015 5:15 pm

h2ofwlr wrote:Someday I'd like to shake you Dad's hand. I wish there were a lot more dad's like this in the world.

JFC. All he did was take his kid out hunting. You make it sound like he was the first guy stepping foot on Omaha beach at Normandy.
Quack wrote:All these posts on Facebook about 5-8 year olds with .410s creep me out. I don't know any of these people or their kids, but that seems pretty young to me.

Seems pretty young to me too. To each their own I guess. If Dad is taking them out because the kid genuinely has an interest I'm fine with it. If he's taking them to fulfill his own interest, which I think is more likely, then he's being selfish and should leave them at home IMO.

My youngest brother ended up disliking hunting because his older brothers dragged him out before he showed an interest.

The notion some guys have that we're obligated to drag kids hunting often goes too far. If the kid doesn't want to go and will be miserable and end up hating it, what's the point?
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Re: YWD---Further DNR Hypocrisy

Fri Sep 11, 2015 5:56 pm

MNREAPER wrote:... And here I am asking my friends if they have any younger siblings I could take on YWD just so I could get to sit out another day in the blind this year. Now I feel like a patron of social and political injustice.

Don't feel that way. It's a day of your duck season you're not allowed to shoot ducks but if you can enjoy partaking in it other ways then by all means go enjoy yourself. I'm all for hunters taking advantage of the opportunities they're presented.

That's why it's upsetting when opportunities are restricted for reasons entirely of a political nature or self-serving by those in charge.
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YWD---Further DNR Hypocrisy

Fri Sep 11, 2015 8:56 pm

lanyard wrote:He's 7. He's pissed I won't let him shoot ducks yet, particularly after he heard about YWD.

All I can say is make a man out of him and make him shoot em on the wing or practice until he can try to do so safely.

Pot shooting ducks is another form of "everyone gets a ribbon" and smart kids see through that like cellophane.

The cool thing about real hunting is that it's a chance for kids to gain the same plain as adults for a brief period of time and get a taste of real life.

But, if we continue to coddle kids like they can't hang with adults, that's how they'll feel.

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