Mergie Marauder
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Re: Scientists confirm second, more intense form of Lyme disease

Thu Feb 11, 2016 9:14 am

I've heard that there's a lot of apprehension in the medical world to diagnose Lyme. I have a lot of holistic care people in my circles so maybe I just hear the conspiracy theories.

Anyway, yeah, there are deer ticks like crazy the last few years. I pick easily 10 a day off my dog in April/May and Sept/Oct, and have a couple stuck to me every year, and pick countless ones off my and my kids' clothes.

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Scientists confirm second, more intense form of Lyme disease

Thu Feb 11, 2016 10:53 am

greatwhitehunter3! wrote:
Nershi wrote:If you think you have it and the doc won't give you the meds find another doc because it is only going to get worse.

I've heard that exact line from everyone I've talked to that has had it.

Make sure you ask for a full cycle also (30 days). I knew a individual over in the brainerd area that went in with the "target" and he got a Rx right away, but only for 10 days or so.... He kept having to go back in for a few months on and off. Finally he took (what he called) a full 30 day cycle and that seemed to do it.

I bough a pair of these to wear in the grouse woods under my chaps: ... ant-tspsc/

they work

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Scientists confirm second, more intense form of Lyme disease

Thu Feb 11, 2016 11:52 am

deet wrote:I've heard that there's a lot of apprehension in the medical world to diagnose Lyme.

They shouldn't have to diagnose it to give the prescription. The prescription has no serious side effects.

I know of two people that damn near died because their doctor refused to give them the meds because the initial test said they didn't have it. As I mentioned it doesn't always show up in the tests. Both of these people were hospitalized and sure enough tested positive for Lymes after going through hell for 2-4 weeks after their initial doctor visit.

When I got it two years ago my first doctor refused to give me the medication because the test showed negative. Fortunately I was able to get in to my dads doctor the next day and get the meds. He thought the first doctor was a moron for refusing to give me the prescription.

I never needed the 30 day scrip but I caught mine early both times.

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Scientists confirm second, more intense form of Lyme disease

Thu Feb 11, 2016 12:20 pm

Christmas 2014 we lost our 5 1/2 year old lab to lyme's or one of the other forms of tick born diseases . He got it up by Meadowlands. Never seen or had a deer tick in the area till the fall of 2014. He got it in early October and had to put him down the week before Christmas. He probably had one of the 2 newer forms of tick born diseases. It hit him hard and fast. He was a healthy, strong, fit and trim dog. He went from 85lbs to 58lbs. We caught it right away and they thought they could possibly catch it at first. It was so fast and brutal on him it was redonkulous. He wouldn't have lasted as long as he did if he was older or had any our other issues. He was a huge part of family and hunting tribe. Tough on the whole family to do Christmas that year without him.

No amount of vaccines, spraying, tucking pants into socks, collars, frontline is fool proof. Yep it all helps, but the pure volume of ticks in certain areas is immense.

My brother almost died from Lyme's he contracted turkey hunting in Iowa and has had it more than once. His sister-in-law had it before it was well known about and really suffers from the side affects. I've had it, plus an unknown bacterial infection that really screwed with my neurological system from possibly a tick turkey hunting in Missouri . It ain't no fun.

Our vet clinic is AWESOME. One of the vets is a horse gal. She won't even put her horses out to pasture at certain times of year she's so worried about tick diseases. The 2 newer forms have the vets seeing a lot of tragic cases hitting dogs brutally fast. The people that cared for our dog where amazing. He was in a lot, in a short period of time and even they got attached to his infectious personality. The day we put him down the whole staff was in tears. He was so bad the last time my daughter and I took him in, we had to do it without the rest of the family getting to say goodbye, b r u t a l! Especially with the whole staff in tears as we left. Sad to see such a great dog, with a great personality lost so young.

Keep your dogs vaccinated, spray the piss out of them, use front line and hope for the best. If they seem off, get them in right away.

I truly hope no one ever has to go through what we went through right before Christmas or anytime of year.
DENNIS ANDERSON, Then, about five years ago, in 2020, there were no more ducks in the state,

Mergie Marauder
Posts: 1399
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Re: Scientists confirm second, more intense form of Lyme disease

Thu Feb 11, 2016 12:47 pm

If you or your dog(s) have high exposure to deer ticks, it might be a good idea to get tested annually before there's a problem. That way your MD or Vet has a baseline to go off of.

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Scientists confirm second, more intense form of Lyme disease

Thu Feb 11, 2016 1:43 pm

Getting your dog tested periodically might not be a bad idea but I don't see the point in people getting tested. When you get it you'll know within a couple weeks of the bite. If you have a deer tick bite and start feeling pain, stiffness in joints or being overly tired get in right away to get meds.

It doesn't matter if the bite mark has the bullseye or not. The first time I got it the bite location was hardly noticeable.

When our dogs have got the disease it was pretty obvious something was wrong but I guess its hard to know how long they had it.

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Scientists confirm second, more intense form of Lyme disease

Thu Feb 11, 2016 1:49 pm

get-n-birdy wrote:Christmas 2014 we lost our 5 1/2 year old lab to lyme's or one of the other forms of tick born diseases . He got it up by Meadowlands. Never seen or had a deer tick in the area till the fall of 2014. He got it in early October and had to put him down the week before Christmas. He probably had one of the 2 newer forms of tick born diseases. It hit him hard and fast. He was a healthy, strong, fit and trim dog. He went from 85lbs to 58lbs. We caught it right away and they thought they could possibly catch it at first. It was so fast and brutal on him it was redonkulous. He wouldn't have lasted as long as he did if he was older or had any our other issues. He was a huge part of family and hunting tribe. Tough on the whole family to do Christmas that year without him.

No amount of vaccines, spraying, tucking pants into socks, collars, frontline is fool proof. Yep it all helps, but the pure volume of ticks in certain areas is immense.

My brother almost died from Lyme's he contracted turkey hunting in Iowa and has had it more than once. His sister-in-law had it before it was well known about and really suffers from the side affects. I've had it, plus an unknown bacterial infection that really screwed with my neurological system from possibly a tick turkey hunting in Missouri . It ain't no fun.

Our vet clinic is AWESOME. One of the vets is a horse gal. She won't even put her horses out to pasture at certain times of year she's so worried about tick diseases. The 2 newer forms have the vets seeing a lot of tragic cases hitting dogs brutally fast. The people that cared for our dog where amazing. He was in a lot, in a short period of time and even they got attached to his infectious personality. The day we put him down the whole staff was in tears. He was so bad the last time my daughter and I took him in, we had to do it without the rest of the family getting to say goodbye, b r u t a l! Especially with the whole staff in tears as we left. Sad to see such a great dog, with a great personality lost so young.

Keep your dogs vaccinated, spray the piss out of them, use front line and hope for the best. If they seem off, get them in right away.

I truly hope no one ever has to go through what we went through right before Christmas or anytime of year.

That sucks man, sorry to hear...

Our dog got it and had the stereo-typical limp and wouldn't eat. Fortunately we had her vaccinated right away thereafter and she pulled through. I've since been seriously amazed at frontline. I've found deer ticks attached to her by the dozens that have curled up and died. Evidently (I didn't know this at the time, I though it was more of a repellent) it doesn't stop them from attaching, but once they do it's fatal for the tick and doesn't allow it enough time to transmit. She's been healthy ever since, but we're ridiculously diligent about applying it. Our vet reccomended (we live out in the middle of woods, coincidently not all that far from meadowlands) that we do a shorter cycle, so we apply every 26-28 days vs the manufacturers reccomended 30

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Scientists confirm second, more intense form of Lyme disease

Thu Feb 11, 2016 3:10 pm

Mallard_maniac wrote:That sucks man, sorry to hear...

Our dog got it and had the stereo-typical limp and wouldn't eat. Fortunately we had her vaccinated right away thereafter and she pulled through. I've since been seriously amazed at frontline. I've found deer ticks attached to her by the dozens that have curled up and died. Evidently (I didn't know this at the time, I though it was more of a repellent) it doesn't stop them from attaching, but once they do it's fatal for the tick and doesn't allow it enough time to transmit. She's been healthy ever since, but we're ridiculously diligent about applying it. Our vet reccomended (we live out in the middle of woods, coincidently not all that far from meadowlands) that we do a shorter cycle, so we apply every 26-28 days vs the manufacturers reccomended 30

Weird. I apply it religiously as well, and I've picked off big plump gray ticks 3 days after FrontLine application, 7 days after, 20 days after. At the end of last year a buddy recommended another brand, which I couldn't get in town. I'll have to ask for the brand name again and buy it

Mergie Marauder
Posts: 363
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Re: Scientists confirm second, more intense form of Lyme disease

Thu Feb 11, 2016 4:24 pm

deet wrote:Weird. I apply it religiously as well, and I've picked off big plump gray ticks 3 days after FrontLine application, 7 days after, 20 days after. At the end of last year a buddy recommended another brand, which I couldn't get in town. I'll have to ask for the brand name again and buy it

Yea our vet started carrying and pushing pretty hard an alternative to frontline, I gathered just from a quick google search it was the same stuff with a different name, and it was a touch cheaper. Living in tick-apolis, USA though I'm hesitant to switch knowing how good frontline has worked.

I don't think I've pulled a bloated gray wood tick off my dog in 5 years since I started really having to pay attention and using frontline.

Mergie Marauder
Posts: 1399
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Re: Scientists confirm second, more intense form of Lyme disease

Fri Feb 12, 2016 1:37 pm

The thing with Frontline, Advantix, etc I'd to keep using one as long as it works. If one product doesn't work or quits working try another. We have two dogs and they have to use different tick prevention. Weird.

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