Mergie Marauder
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Re: Party hunting for deer

Thu Nov 07, 2019 7:33 pm

randywatson wrote: (gayest thing since CBD oil)

CBD can do some great stuff for people and animals. My dad would have had to put his dog down by now if it weren’t for CBD. I know several people who take it for health reasons that have fixed things doctors couldn’t. I talked to my vet and my doc about it and they both said they look forward to the day they are allowed to use it for treatment. Sorry to go on a tangent. I just thought that comment was very ignorant.

Back when I deer hunted I was in a similar situation with tags. I told the other guys you can fill my tag if it is a solid buck that you’d put on the wall. I would have been happy for them if they were able to fill it with a memorable deer. I didn’t even think about the cost of the tag but to me the cost of licenses is nothing when considering the overall cost of hunting. I’m sure your buddy would be happy to cover the cost of your tag and share the meat if he fills it. Now if you are worried about your season getting cut short, that I can understand. I’ll buy you a tag if that happens as long as I get some venison in exchange. :)

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Re: Party hunting for deer

Thu Nov 07, 2019 11:53 pm

When I bow hunted, I told everyone only fill my tag if its a mountable buck. Cause I wanted to bow hunt rest of the year if I didn't fill my tag.

So one year...I was only guy left with an open tag. We do a drive at a spot known to harbor massive bucks. My dad and I posted, brother and 2 other guys are driving. Dad and I hear shots and all of a sudden this massive massive buck goes ripping across the field. We both unload and miss. We look across the river and mister green jeans was watching it play out.

So we meet up with my brother and the 2 other guys and go wow, that was a massive buck huh? They go what, your brother has a buck down over here. A lil fork horn. WTF! Mr Green jeans comes out into the field and starts asking a bunch of questions, goes wow that was a lot of shots and just one hit huh? LMAO. I dunno how we got out of that one he watched the whole thing go down.

So my brother wasted my tag and almost made us go over the limit while mr officer was watching. I wasnt too happy with him

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Re: Party hunting for deer

Fri Nov 08, 2019 7:41 am

Quack wrote:I don’t come from a deer hunting family. I’ve mostly hunted by myself over the years but I’ve started hunting with a buddy who is a genuinely great guy.

He arrowed a nice buck so I was thinking I had the gun season to myself. However, he mentioned wanting to party hunt with me.

I’m trying to be cool with it but there’s definitely a part of me that wants him to back off, at least for opening weekend.

Are there any customs or traditions like, “hey man, thanks for letting me use your buck tag, here’s $40 to cover the cost”

Or anything else like that?

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I'd start with your and his definition of "Party Hunt". I know the legal definition, but you'll need to understand the rules of engagement. Directly to your question, some of these are developed over generations.

In my family, we've always split whatever success we had. So, 1 deer 5 guys- split 5 ways. 1 deer 10 guys- split 10 ways. That had it's challenges as the "kids" came up. I was oldest by far, like 8-12 years, and my dad and I were two of the three "serious" hunters. Most of the guys were happy with drinking, poker, Vikings game at a bar, and 5 lb chub of salami or sausage. With that, the 3 "serious" hunters accounted for >75% of the deer shot no matter how many guys in camp. It was likely closer to 85%. Blind squirrels find nuts. In that group, they were happier if you shot their deer.... that got them out of gutting it.

The challenge started in that group when we'd have 4 deer processed, get to the sorting, and the Slackers would say, "I just want a pack of chops and some sausage"....... then only want to pay for the pounds they took.... that was the beginning of the end for that group.

Now it's just my uncle and I. We had the discussion last year with one deer hanging. He likes the venison but doesn't do a ton of wild game. Mine will be gone sometime between Easter and Fishing Opener. We also give some to my grandma (his mom), my mom (dad died), and my aunt that is wheel chair bound. So, I said, "Let's shoot 'em". Knowing we'd split the costs, but I'd take a higher amount and pay accordingly.

But that's been developed over 25 years of hunting together and a "Party" that started hunting together in the late 70's.

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Re: Party hunting for deer

Fri Nov 08, 2019 8:05 am

"I know way too many guys that will shoot a buck on their aunties, girlfriends grandmas, and best friend who doesn’t hunt tags" is not party hunting. The party needs to be in the field nearby others in the party.
I grew up with a group of 4 hunting. Each bought their own tag but anyone could fill another's tag. At hunts end we split the meat evenly among the four. Today it's a party of 3 with one guy that wants to fill his own tag, so me and the other guy party hunt and split meat between ourselves.

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Re: Party hunting for deer

Fri Nov 08, 2019 12:16 pm

maplelakeduckslayer wrote:When I bow hunted, I told everyone only fill my tag if its a mountable buck. Cause I wanted to bow hunt rest of the year if I didn't fill my tag.

So one year...I was only guy left with an open tag. We do a drive at a spot known to harbor massive bucks. My dad and I posted, brother and 2 other guys are driving. Dad and I hear shots and all of a sudden this massive massive buck goes ripping across the field. We both unload and miss. We look across the river and mister green jeans was watching it play out.

So we meet up with my brother and the 2 other guys and go wow, that was a massive buck huh? They go what, your brother has a buck down over here. A lil fork horn. WTF! Mr Green jeans comes out into the field and starts asking a bunch of questions, goes wow that was a lot of shots and just one hit huh? LMAO. I dunno how we got out of that one he watched the whole thing go down.

So my brother wasted my tag and almost made us go over the limit while mr officer was watching. I wasnt too happy with him

Holy Shit did you luck out on that one.....I don't know what the restitution is for a poached whitetail buck (isn't it based off of score or something gay like that???), but I'm guessing even for a small one your brother would've been paying over a grand easy, plus confiscation of his firearm.

You and your dad would've been fine though....had either one of you wound up hitting that buck you would have been gutting it with your tag on it in front of the warden before your brother could've stumbled out of the brush and asked you for it. Hopefully he and the rest of the party would've been smart enough to leave the fork horn in the scrub and pretended like they didn't hit shit.....I'd highly doubt that warden would've wasted his time walking around looking for other deer you guys had dropped since....well, since he didn't do that.

He obviously doubted you guys didn't but he never took the time to walk around where you guys pushed. How would he had any idea you guys didn't have four or five on the ground?

This is a very good example of what I describe as a "teachable moment" when it comes to poaching.
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Re: Party hunting for deer

Fri Nov 08, 2019 12:23 pm

bigdog wrote:"I know way too many guys that will shoot a buck on their aunties, girlfriends grandmas, and best friend who doesn’t hunt tags" is not party hunting. The party needs to be in the field nearby others in the party.

Ditto. I've encountered a lot of guys along the way like that too. The most common is guys having their wives buy a tag.

One of the most prominent families in the state of MN....I'm not going to name any names but they reside off LOTW and have a lucrative business manufacturing windows......would shoot like five bucks a year. At some point, don't you get bored with it?

MN is pretty much fukced when it comes to actual common sense deer hunting regulations that would actually make an impact as far as the average hunters in this state experiencing better hunting.

The one thing that could and should be implemented that has the potential to make a marginal difference is banning party hunting.

That shit still happens in states where it's strictly forbidden, very illegal, and highly enforced.

You'll never get rid of people punching other people's tags......but to have it be legal?

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