Mergie Marauder
Posts: 128
Joined: Sat Nov 30, 2013 10:09 pm

Re: Getting old

Tue Mar 07, 2023 8:46 pm

30+ yrs of surgery, trimming fungal nails and hunting in ice cold my hands are arthritic as hell. Work out 5 days a week and watch my diet, on cholesterol and BP meds as well. Still feel 25 in my head but my body tells me I’m 60. Not giving in but making better choices, can’t wait to take my Grandsons on their first duck hunt in a few years so have to stay in shape!

Mergie Marauder
Posts: 4821
Joined: Wed Nov 27, 2013 5:14 am

Re: Getting old

Thu Mar 09, 2023 8:28 am

Nershi wrote:
maplelakeduckslayer wrote:Sorry man sucks about the knee hopefully it's not too major and can recover fast!

I don't think mine are great. My right one feels weird sometimes like a shooting pain and almost feels "loose" I dunno how to describe it. When I installed my ac condenser 2 summers ago after kneeling working on it it hard that pain for about 2 weeks.

My stomach stuff is still the worst though for me I dunno I go back and forth if it's food related, or like a hernia or sometimes I just feel like my entire lower back/hips are loose and move around and maybe pressing on something I dunno it's weird. Every once in a while I lay on the couch in just the right position and I get a warming/tingling sensation that feels amazing travels from lower back down into the legs. Whenever this happens all the other stuff seems to clear up so it makes me curious. I can also get my right hip to pop when I contract my lower back and leg muscles it's weird

I've done much better on the food stuff to see how it impacts but it's so hard to be 100% with that.

But I'm going after it 100% this week I cut coffee out 2 weeks ago, cut out gluten and cooking oils 2 weeks ago as well. Been not drinking as much during the week but starting tonight completely giving it up outside Fri/sat. And stopped chewing tobacco for several years got back into it last summer, tonight's the last night for that as well.

Last July I felt absolutely incredible for about a month I magically dropped 10 pounds in like a week and had so much energy and drive. I was experimenting with cutting a lot of the above stuff out at the time so my hope is by doings all this I can feel that way again. After you've felt bad for so long and magically get better like that...the rush of happiness that overtook me was incredible and I just want to feel like that again more than anything in the world. This is my last stretch of trying on my own if I can't nail it down by end of the year I'm going back in

Even just dumb stuff I enjoy running with the dog. Back in Early January we ran in a snow storm and I like pulled/strained my big toe trying to keep balance I assume. I've taken time off here and there to try and rest it...we haven't run in 10 days til last night and the pain came back about 2 miles in. Hurts like a bastard

It sucks because overall I consider myself a pretty active healthy person and just have all this stuff going on

So yes long story short I feel getting older lol

Well damn that makes me feel a little better about my situation. You sound like you live a healthy lifestyle. I eat well but otherwise treat my body like shit and don’t have all those problems. Good luck to you. Hope things get better.

Surgeon confirmed torn meniscus. MRI tomorrow to see what is needed and then hopefully get scheduled for surgery ASAP because the pain is getting a lot worse by the day. Good news is recovery is usually super quick so it sounds like a couple late ice fishing trip are still in the cards.

Had a sleep study follow up appointment today and I have severe sleep apnea which I have known for awhile but have been putting off. So now I’ll be starting a cpap machine soon. Yea, I’m definitely feeling old.

Hope you have a speedy recovery!

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