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Fish Felon
Mergie Marauder
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Re: Omicron

Wed Jan 05, 2022 3:08 pm

hobbydog wrote:
Fish Felon wrote:
hobbydog wrote:Do all you anti Vaxers feel the same about gun carry laws? I mean if it’s your time it’s your time. Just because you carry doesn’t mean you won’t die in a shootout. What are the chances of an law abiding citizen being gunned down vs. that same citizen dying of Covid? Which is the greater risk?

Also, those 40 year olds who have had it, survived but had some serious issues, what damage has been done to your organs that will haunt you down the road? Will you die of COPD… Kidney failure, liver failure in your 60s?

But forget all that, a free vaccine vs paying your deductible and out of pocket maximum for a hospitalization, just from a financial standpoint it makes sense to get the vaccine if it keeps you out of the hospital.

The US murder rate is 6.5 per 100,000, and is almost exclusively on people under 50...probably under your odds of being gunned down as a middle aged male is much, much, much greater than dying of covid.

Nice try but the annualized death rate per 100,000 is around 270. Just a little more than 6.5. If you want to parse that out by age you need to also parse out homicides by type.....If you take out gang bangers and family related homicides, that 6.5 is much lower to get to a real risk comparison. ... -by-state/

You have the greatest generation that sacrificed to save the world vs the me generation that killed grandma.

I thought the death rate was more along the lines of 750 to 830 off the top of my head.

The covid death rate doesn't take into account the fact that most of those deaths would've happened regardless of covid. There's only a slight increase in the total overall death rate from covid....because guess what?

Old people living in nursing homes were sent there to fukcing die. It's the end of the road. No one moves out of a nursing home and into a nice little bungalow to start planting flowers.....those people were going to be pushing up flowers regardless of covid.

Over half the deaths in MN happened in nursing homes. It's funny since one gave a fukc about these people. Why should I give a fukc about an old person when their own family didn't give a fukc about them? They were the ones who sent them there to die at the least inconvenience to themselves....not me.

Look at the stats I just listed.....95 people were murdered in Minneapolis in 2021....look at how many covid deaths from the youngest going up you have to get to in order to hit that over two years.

Covid is a joke. It's a real thing but it's a 5 on a scale of a 100 in terms of being an actual threat to humanity and we keep treating it like it's a 95. People are over one gives a fukc about it anymore. Read the room. Everyone wants life to go back to normal and guess what? All you have to do for that to happen is just treat covid like what it illness, just like the flu.
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Fish Felon
Mergie Marauder
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Re: Omicron

Wed Jan 05, 2022 10:11 pm

Omicron ain't shit....

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Omicron

Thu Jan 06, 2022 12:05 am

Now we got flurona everyone...first us case confirmed in CA. Everybody better just sit at home and hide. This is the real deal you may very well die if you step outside

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Re: Omicron

Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:09 pm

It's weird how they just keep getting more contagious yet weaker. Why are we worried about this stuff again?
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Fish Felon
Mergie Marauder
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Re: Omicron

Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:35 pm

Minneapolis and Saint Paul have reinstated mask mandates....Roy Wilkins auditorium and other huge spaces have become testing sites. Positive test rates are above 13% and testing can't keep up.....

....when will people realize it's all pointless, meaningless bullshit?

None of this shit matters. Covid no longer even gets people sick. It's a day of mild cold symptoms, a positive test, and a way to fukc up our world in every conceivable fashion. Why aren't people shooting our leaders yet?
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Omicron

Thu Jan 06, 2022 11:30 pm

It's really insane. 2 years.

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Re: Omicron

Fri Jan 07, 2022 12:17 am

It’s funny on the Minneapolis subreddit, they are mad the mask mandate didn’t come sooner.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Omicron

Fri Jan 07, 2022 10:12 am

Fish Felon wrote:It's weird how they just keep getting more contagious yet weaker. Why are we worried about this stuff again?

Isn’t that how viruses fizzle out? We should be celebrating this. But of course the government and media keep pushing the Covid fear porn.

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Re: Omicron

Fri Jan 07, 2022 3:21 pm

Nershi wrote:
Fish Felon wrote:It's weird how they just keep getting more contagious yet weaker. Why are we worried about this stuff again?

Isn’t that how viruses fizzle out? We should be celebrating this. But of course the government and media keep pushing the Covid fear porn.

Like I said from Omicron's's the best covid related development since the inception of covid.

Biden had a press conference a couple nights ago where he said substance whatsoever.

People love covid. They love being good little wearing getting's all about sheep patting themselves on the back for thinking they've saved society when all they've done is destroy it.

These are the same people who supposedly hate fascism.....say they loathe it.....when it can't be more obvious how much they Love it.
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Fish Felon
Mergie Marauder
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Re: Omicron

Sat Jan 08, 2022 1:09 am

Two years in, shitloads of people vaccinated....and it's literally the worst ever! More people testing positive than ever!



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