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Re: Coronavirus

Sat Mar 14, 2020 12:14 am

Trying to objectively look at it without letting my personal favorable bias towards Trump totally skew my take.....

I'm fine with blaming Trump for most of the responsibility for the lack of response, if that's what we're doing.

On the other hand the media deserves some of the blame for the lack of response for how sensationalized, partisan, and untrustworthy they've become.

If this same pandemic took place in the 1960's would anyone questioned the severity of the looming crisis after being informed by the media at that time? Back when our media sources were journalists and operated with an ethical obligation to cover stories and report them in a trustworthy, responsible, and dignified way to the general public?

No one would have questioned this had it been reported back then.....certainly not the President. LBJ read newspapers on the shitter and took the info reported in them the same as gospel.

Here's where we could go round and round lanyard if we want to let our biases get the better of us.....

I could argue that it's not that unreasonable for Trump to not take this virus seriously until it reached the point of, "Oh Fukc, this one is actually Legit." A few months ago Trump had just started WWIII by bombing an Iranian General and we were all going to die.....two or three months before that he resurrected ISIS and in one false swoop wiped out the Kurds by pulling troops and letting Turkey come at them....and Trump started WWIII and we were all going to do die....and most in it just fukcing happened, the media jizzed all over themselves for months over the thought of Trump getting ousted after impeachment when anyone with half a brain new there was Zero Chance the Senate was going to hang him out try and give him the boot from office.....and Trump endured all of that over a third party unknown whistleblowers paraphrased "transcript" of what he said on a phone call to Ukraine.....when the Democratic nominee is on video as VP bragging about extorting the Ukranian president by withholding a billion dollars in aid in exchange for them firing a prosecutor he personally wanted gone....while coincidentally his kid was on the board of a Ukranin Gas Holding Company that just so happened to be under investigation for fraud and embezzlement of funds....with no one really aware of this being the case at the time......yet the media's attitude toward Biden? Totally cool! Good old Uncle biggie that he blatantly engaged in the exact behavior Trump was accused of only a thousand times worse and a million times more out in the open and blatant.

So do I think it's that unreasonable for Trump to take this story as another sensationalized bunch of Bullshit story like they have pretty much all been non-stop since he got into office?

No. No I do not Blame him. I blame him more for not having a team around him that tries to objectively review what's in the 24/7 news sphere knowing that there's no way he can at this point, and I blame that no less than 50/50 on him and the media equally.

You can disagree with that and I'm fine with it because you're also not going to be wrong....your take will be just as correct and on point as mine, maybe a little more, maybe a little less, but not enough to not be able to feel it's not inaccurate to state that neither of us are wrong more so than both of us are right since we're looking at it and engaging in partisan politics but being and least somewhat reasonable about it.

In my opinion, once you factor in the media aspect of it.....or take that aspect out of this altogether and simply look at the nature of the virus itself.....

This thing is totally new. It's not like H1N1 under Obama where it was a known pathogen tests had already been developed and around for a long time.

The reality of the situation is that no president would've done much better or worse trying to address this. We didn't know exactly what was happening because it's China. They have state TV and state everything so it's hard to trust what is coming out of there. Secondly, even if we knew then what we know now and realized the Chinese response to it was actually very impressive. It still doesn't apply here since there's Zero Chance even a tenth of the measures they took are even possible due to culture, government, healthcare system, etc., differences.

All in all, what's the difference between a hypothetical president handling this thing perfectly and our actual President handling this in real time?

A higher percentage of tests being done earlier and through now with the distinction between the two being there's little to no distinction in how this pandemic will hit us. Three months ago this shit didn't even exist for all intensive purposes. I didn't take it very seriously either in large part because of how badly our media fukcing sucks.

Joe Rogan.....a friggin' podcast by Joe Rogan is what got myself and like half the country to wake up and realize this shit is serious. What does that tell you about how truly awful our media is? It's to the point where they've cried wolf so many times now and are so hysteria driven that having them report how serious the concern over Covid-19 was, was actually counterproductive to having people take it seriously. That's how bad they suck.

Would Obama been more prepared for this? Yes. Why? Because he didn't have the love-hate relationship with the media that Trump and the media have. The media actually wanted Obama to succeed. In turn, he could trust the media. With Trump the jizzed themselves over him getting impeached and have not only rooted against him but have been out after him ever since he started running and became a serious candidate they had to consider.

In the end Obama being on top of this much better amounts to a slightly better idea of how widespread the infection is at this point at that's it. It still wouldn't change anything....speeding up or slowing down the infection'd just give us a slightly better picture at this point. And that picture would still be the same as it is now...alarming.
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Re: Coronavirus

Sat Mar 14, 2020 1:07 am

maplelakeduckslayer wrote:This was brought up in the governor's address today...a reporter stated the metro area has 450 ventilators and was looking for confirmation on department wouldn't confirm nor deny

Jeezus Fukcing Christ


That's it?


In Twin Cities Metro Area....a maximum of 450 people at a time will be able to be put on a ventilator to have their lives saved, with most who get lucky enough to be on one needing to be on it for probably several days minimum to get past the virus enough to breathe on their own and continue clearing all the shit out of their lungs.

That's how the Chinese were ultimately confirming it. They have portable CT scanners and they'd do a couple inch scan of their lungs and they could see what I guess resemble the formation of crystals, like hard phlegm crystals, in people's lungs.

We're so fukced if this thing takes off and we only have 450 ventilators when there could easily be 10,000+ people at a time for a couple months needing to get on one to survive this shit.

Again, why doesn't some egghead start figuring out how to McGyver manufacture a ventilator and let's start making a whole lot of them.

I'm pretty sure the original ventilators looked like a big fire place hand bellows that were operated by a person standing next to the patient on a bed and pumping the ventilator manually.

They're not that complicated of a device. Fukc it....even just that I'd be fine with. Like any of us wouldn't spend a couple days pumping a bellows if one of our parents were laying in a hospital bed needing us to do that in order for them to survive.

No joke....that is a plausible and realistic solution. I'd gladly take that option, and so would my siblings. It'd be nothing for us to take shifts and do that shit for a week if we had to....hell, a month or even a year we'd do it if we had would most people do for a loved one.

But we have to have that shit available and ready to go and know how to use it by the time they'd need it.

We need to get this figured out and within the next week at the latest.
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Re: Coronavirus

Sat Mar 14, 2020 7:48 am

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

Just read that a DR at Mayo said 80% of patients who get it don't even know they got it.

50,000 people in the USA alone died from reg flu last yr and hardly a damned thing is said by the media.

Less than 5k dead world wide with CV19 and the media is going nuts! The media has thrown gas on the fire and then are fanning the flames they are so sensationalizing and overblowing this! I'd like to be the FCC head - letter to the media - knock it off you we will suspend your broadcasting lic.

All resulting in freaking unreal the last couple of days with overly anxious people, panic/hoarding buying., etc

What's up with the TP hoarding? As you don't get the shits with CV19...
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Re: Coronavirus

Sat Mar 14, 2020 8:11 am

1) Humans as a bulk species are stupid
2) the reason less people are dying has to do with extreme reactions. If you don't have extreme reactions you end up like Seattle
3) we can only count the people that have been tested..... that's a super low population
4) Compromised immune systems: diabetic- that's you; smoker- that's you
5) Systemic impact: there's a shat load of people that need medical care for more things
6) Flu deaths vs Covid 19 deaths- yes, more people died from Flu last year. But we also know something about Flu and it's been maintained over a long period of time. We're not talking about a known virus. A mass outbreak that puts 1 million people in hospitals on ventilator and consuming oxygen takes beds away from everyone else that needs a hospital
7) No vaccine- let's have 20% of our health care workers come down with it and be out for 10-14 days....
8) This has spread globally in about 4 months. The number of cases reported is significantly lower than the actual number of cases.

Is the media helpful- no. Is not doing anything because the media sucks- no.

The largest factor in the spread in Philadelphia was a Doctor that returned from Europe with Covid-19, did not self quarantine, than started seeing patients. This is the sh!t we're dealing with, not just some random dude coughing when you walk by. The deal in Seattle, Living Care Center I think it was called, all the old people started dying. That's what's going to happen when it gets into Assisted Living facilities and retirement communities. It is NOT staying out of them.

Things if you have aging parents:
1) get them set-up for online grocery ordering
2) make pharmacy runs for them
3) keep the grand kids away
4) if you can, send them to the cabin or someplace they can shelter in place without being around other old people

The system is going to need time to get testing developed in a manner that will allow testing, then subsequently develop a vaccine. Vaccine is going to take 12-18 months. Mice test just started and they are recruiting for human trials now.


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Re: Coronavirus

Sat Mar 14, 2020 9:48 am

I bet osterholm is selling lots of books. Fear sells and that’s exactly what he is selling. Just take a look at your local stores TP aisle’s for how good fear generates sales. Eat that shit up sheep!

I’d be willing to bet if we got everyone tested we’d find out there are hundreds of thousands of people in the world affected with little to no symptoms. Not sure if that’d make for more fear or more calm. It certainly would make the percentages of critical or deaths of those infected look a heck of a lot better.

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Re: Coronavirus

Sat Mar 14, 2020 11:37 am

Right, that's what I was saying the death rate is overstated because if the sheer volume of cases that aren't reported.

And also why they want to try and limit testing because it's a waste of money for many.

In conjunction with that China is now saying the first case dates back to mid November...if that the case it was probably spreading around the US a full month earlier that the first case was reported in Washington.

This however is the biggest problem right now:

Apple just closed all of its stores outside China. Look at all the sporting event workers now out of jobs, although I assume a vast majority of those are side gigs. This can avalanche though.

Sounds like they are going to push through the family first bill for PTO due to coronavirus so that may buffer the most severe impacts hopefully for most. We need to be coming down the back side of the bell curve within about 1.5 months

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Re: Coronavirus

Sat Mar 14, 2020 1:05 pm

Netshi- Osterholm said keep the schools open.

Also: death rate for the at risk population is currently 6x seasonal flu. Seattle is the prime example.

Seasonality is another factor we don't have information on.

There's an estimated 4,000 respirators in Fed Medical reserves.

The total death rate will not be as significant as the # that may require intensive care. Yes, most people recover, but not testing, quarantine, and getting treatment are the primary drivers.

China has reduced the death rate as they have developed better protocols. This included dumping piles of gravel on roads so people could only travel so far.

In South Korea, half the cases are being identified as coming from a church whose members are essentially anti-vac, L Ron Hubbard/David Koresh types waiting for their leader to take them to heaven.

Essentially: when protocols are enacted transmission and death rate drop; when protocols are not enacted transmission and death rate increase.

Yes, increasing testing will lower the death rate as a %, but more importantly it gets infected populations into quarantine and treatment faster, reducing the need for intensive care and lowering the actual # of people dead.

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Re: Coronavirus

Sat Mar 14, 2020 3:02 pm

What’s up with almost no cases in Mexico or Africa?

To warm for the virus there?

Why aren’t there about 70 trillion people with it in India?
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Coronavirus

Sat Mar 14, 2020 3:52 pm

emptymag wrote:What’s up with almost no cases in Mexico or Africa?

To warm for the virus there?

Why aren’t there about 70 trillion people with it in India?

India has it figured out way ahead of the curve

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Re: Coronavirus

Sat Mar 14, 2020 6:49 pm

Ever been to India..... that place is nuts.

They've done significantly less testing. First death reported this past week. That will go up. For having 1 billion people, most of them never leave their slum.

One other factor that will determine how to break the cycle is the development of immunity and/or reinfection rate. So, if you get Covid- 19 once, are you less likely to get it again. Guessing some portion of the population will be FUBARd and get sick with it repeatedly, but if 60%+, or better, 75%+, aren't going to get it again then the shizzle settles quicker.

National Guard started getting mobilized this week. Florida is announcing us of NG for testing. Ah, the good old days... when you'd say, "when are we EVER going to use THIS training?!" It was pretty cool be flown on C-130 in the litter rack. Turbulence was a freaking roller coaster ride!
[url] ... to-follow/[/url]

Really hoping if they stick domestic travel bans they focus on hot spots and air travel and don't phuck our trip to Florida. We rented a house with a pool and it's on a freshwater canal so can fish out the backyard. We won't need to see no one :-)

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