Mergie Marauder
Posts: 954
Joined: Sat Nov 30, 2013 8:38 pm

Re: New member intro!

Fri Apr 18, 2014 5:30 pm

goosethumps wrote:One of my number one priorities when it comes to hunting is getting kids out in the blind. Coming from a family that didnt hunt, I found it difficult to learn to hunt various types of game at a young age. Over the years, and with the help of an uncle and a now very close friend, I learned the tricks of the trade, and began putting the pieces together. I now enjoy taking my two younger brothers (the two pictured next to me with the single goose, which happened to be one of their first.) afield and watching them learn more than pulling the trigger myself. The turkey was actually just shot bymy cousin (pictured) last weekend during the second weekend of Iowa's youth season! This was his very first "big game" kill for those of you that consider turkeys big game, and he was excited to say the least! He comes from the same background as I do as far as not having a parentto guide him, so I think I not only got him hooked for like, but I think my uncle is now hooked for life as well. He was sitting right next to his son in the blind when he pulled the trigger and I almost think he was more excited than my cousin was!

Great post!

Watching kids shoot stuff or attempt to is a lot of fun. And more rewarding than any other form of hunting.

A 1448 ain't a terrible boat for a lot of mn. A heavy small duck boat sucks for the many drag in situations in the state. Lots of opportunity up by Bemidji. From the big diver lakes to the east and more puddler and geese areas to the western stuff into the prairie country.
DENNIS ANDERSON, Then, about five years ago, in 2020, there were no more ducks in the state,

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