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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Sat Mar 14, 2020 2:02 am

maplelakeduckslayer wrote:Mental health practitioner, ironic

Were you the one that posted something about a state supreme Court ruling insurance companies had to pay for these sex changes, or did I find that on my own? Think it may have been Wisconsin even.

It's disappointing that we all pay for their gender confusion

I don't think I posted that although it sounds familiar. If anything I think I posted how they're paying for sex changes in prisons. Under the healthcare provided to inmates in prisons sex changes are covered. There inmates surgically self-mutilation their genitals and their bodies as part of a supposed rehabilitation to have them leave being a less of a risk to society, more likely to make a positive contribution to society, after having paid their debt to society.

Mental health practitioner---talk about Ironic.

How many people have you ever seen that looked less mentally well than that poor, sick, depraved fukc?

At times I am just repulsed by how disgusting their are and how overtly they throw it in society's face....and it makes me want to hate them and legitimately hate them at times.

Then when for whatever reason I'm in a mood where I'm more emphatic like I'm feeling right now, and I look back through the profile pics I've posted on this thread and I feel really, really sorry for them.

Have you ever seen a more lost and depraved...totally hopeless group of individuals?

Have you ever seen a group that collectively screams how mentally ill these people are?

It's clear as day to me. I don't see how it can't be clear as day to anyone. These people are severely fukced up in the SEVERELY.

What pisses me off is that the people who claim that they're accepting and helping these people absolutely are not...they are doing the furthest thing possible from helping these people.

They've let the inmates run the asylum.

They've enabled people with severe mental illnesses to live in a society that can no longer help them.....hell, we can't even point out to them why their behavior is abnormal and very alarming, they're not right, and they need serious help.

It's no wonder these people have a 48% suicide rate. They're not happy and they're not well.

The reason why I'm as graphic as I am in my descriptions of what acts they people are engaging in isn't because I'm obsessed with it or am trying to be gross. I'm as graphic as I am because I don't think people ever stop to think about what is going on. The people that say they're accepting and promote allowing these types of mentally ill people to continue on down a road to turmoil, despair, and quite often suicide, need to process what is actually taking place here. They need to think about what they're actually standing for in as graphic and vivid a perception as possible because when they are forced to do that I don't think anyone except the most delusional can view allowing these sick people to do this as something they purport into being a self-serving declaration of their high level of compassion.

There is nothing compassionate about telling someone as sick and mentally ill as the people in the profile pics that there is nothing wrong with them, and then push them to continue on unabated until they kill themselves in half the cases.

Go back and look at the pics.....

.....these are not happy people.

They're the saddest and most lost group of people with severe mental illness you're ever going to see. And every day there is more she more of them because the left has created a society system that makes it so that is the only thing anyone can do. Encourage the mentally ill people that their behavior is normal and to go even further.

The right thing to do is to tell these people that what they're doing isn't ever going to result in them funding what they need to be happy. The right thing to do is to not allow these people to continue down a path that they started down due to being really tell them what they're doing to themselves is sick and wrong and the reason why we can't allow them to do that to themselves isn't because of's because of compassion.

The easiest and most self-serving way to parent is by allowing the children to get what they have them sit in front of a TV playing video games, or on a tablet, or on a phone. It's the path of least resistance to placate them and give them what they want, let them do what they want to do....because even though it's bad for them it's good for the parent. It's the path of least resistance so they can do the least and selfishly have time to do what they want to do instead of doing what's much more difficult and taxing.....being a good parent and telling your kids 'No.' Telling them No, they can't sit in front of the TV all day and play video games.....and make them go outside to play away from the screens while their throwing a hissy fit.

What the left does in regards to trannys is the same thing parents do in regards to raising their kids. They say they're being accepting and compassionate and doing what they do is for trannys....when it's's for themselves.

If they cared about these people they would take the time, not take the path of least resistance, and have the decency to tell these people that they aren't right and what they're doing isn't normal and healthy behavior.

Refusing to accept something that is obviously very wrong and harmful doesn't make me an asshole.....the people who lazily accept it and allow people to hurt and mutilate themselves are the assholes.

Don't believe me?

Go back and look at all the pics and look at how sad, lost, and miserable these people are. It's not right to accept and allow this to continue. To let people destroy themselves while encouraging them to do it.

It's flat out awful and wrong.
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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Sun Mar 15, 2020 2:34 am

To drunk to read your rant tonight. Jesus christ find a new way to find a kill. You obviously are pissed about your tinder situation try bumble.

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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:32 pm

I do need to try bumble....

Anyways, here's another of my brother's cartoons. He was in town for the day after flying in from FL, just dropped him off at the train station to take it back home to Williston.

Oh, FYI the fish being held is a sucker, the fish under the boat are hammer handle pike, and I don't care for the caption,

"And as quickly as it started, the MN DNR ended it's 'Trannies Gone Fishing' weekend forever"

If only for the sole reason that he spelled "trannys" wrong. He did three different cartoons and after every single one I pointed out that tranny is spelled with a "y" and not an "ie"
Screenshot_20200321-223207_Autodesk SketchBook.jpg
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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Sun Mar 22, 2020 8:03 am


On Snapchat this morning.

I got off fb because of some of this shit, time to ditch snap now I guess.
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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Mon Mar 23, 2020 2:47 am

emptymag wrote:

On Snapchat this morning.

I got off fb because of some of this shit, time to ditch snap now I guess.

They're promoting this crap everywhere it seems = Truly Desolpicable & Disgusting

Thanks for the heads up, will have to ditch snap too. The only reason why I got on there was that twenty year old college chick I was dating.

"Why I Love Dating A Trans Man---Answer---I hate my parents and obviously have never had a guy give me a good dickin' and orgasim."

I was going to go with....

"Why I Love Dating A Trans Man---Answer---I Hate Dick"

Which would have been a better punch line but is a false statement....she doesn't hate dick, she just haven't gotten bedded by a dude that's a decent lay.

My little bro has know quite a few lesbians....all of them have told them nothing is better than a real dick, that nothing can replace it, which I don't understand at all since they're lesbians.....but then again, I don't understand why lesbians like fukcing fake penises. It'd be like gay dudes have sex with a fake pussy......uh, wouldn't that just be called masterbating?

That's basically what lesbians are----masturbation partners. They use the same shit (dildos, vibrators, and fingers) that chicks use by themselves to masturbate......they just choose to do it with one of their buddies.
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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Thu Mar 26, 2020 10:04 am



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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Thu Mar 26, 2020 10:08 am

Holy cow....I can't imagine getting to be the lucky guy that ends up with this beautiful woman who wants to have lots of sex!

It's weird how unlike those "assigned female sex at birth" AKA "Normal Actual Woman" are rarely ever DTF, or at least don't openly list it on their profile, yet virtually all transgender women are DTF. It's almost as if they have the sexual libido of a dude??? Funny how that works......

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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Thu Mar 26, 2020 10:27 am

Barrrrfffffff,.............................. FF, what happened to the young girlfriend ?? I must of missed her being gone from the picture............
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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Fri Mar 27, 2020 9:03 am

Based on this topic, I think it turned out she was a he.... :o
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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Fri Mar 27, 2020 2:34 pm

H2ofwlr's new "gal"



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