Mergie Marauder
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Re: Mn Busiest Gun Range....Mpls

Wed Oct 28, 2020 11:41 pm

Yes consumerism...drives this whole big gay thing

Is that the pillar of your ecomic thesis you've elluded to in the past?

It is a very large part of mine. It used to be keeping up with the Joneses'...narrow breadth. Neighbors, friends, family.

Making stuff so it doesn't last was the first step.

Next step was introducing social media so you could show off your cock size and extend keeping up with the Joneses syndrome to hundreds of people you don't even know vs just friends, family and neighbors.

All of this drive to have the latest/greatest/best of everything...for what? To show off? Material possessions, when acquired, give you a temporary high. Temporary happiness. To offset depression. From not having enough, or being able to afford cool things, etc. So you buy that and you get a temporary high...til it's not good enough anymore...and you buy something else to try and make yourself happy.

My gf laughed the other day...she was texting my sister. There was a picture of me posing with some ducks and my old lab...In a pair of tennis shoes... probably a solid 15 years ago.

I still wear those shoes for working out...soles completely ripped off, all torn up, etc. They work perfectly fine for the task.

How many people own dozens of pairs of shoes...let alone wear an old worn out pair.

Like I couldn't give a flying fukc about any possessions of mine.

But someone like my bro in law probably has ,2-3 k just in shoes laying around lol.

My younger brother told me if you aren't making 100k plus you are basically a loser and not making enough to survive. He's been brainwashed by all this ...hook line and sinker. That's what starts the depression. He's constantly trying to buy the most expensive/,latest and greatest of everything. He's so fukced in the head

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Re: Mn Busiest Gun Range....Mpls

Thu Oct 29, 2020 5:17 am

maplelakeduckslayer wrote:Yes consumerism...drives this whole big gay thing

Is that the pillar of your ecomic thesis you've elluded to in the past?

No, not really but it's all tied together. Biologists got rid of the term "food chain" in favor of the revamped term "food web." When talking about the changing dynamics of a lake like Mills Lacs for example, they'll mention how the zebes and SWF have greatly altered the natural food web. You can create two billion pounds of zebra mussels out of nothing. They pulled that much energy out of the natural food web and then some to be created. That energy no longer is getting into the food web and being spread to the places it used to go. Before maybe it was largely going to create two billion pounds of small cladoceran type of zooplankton, which in turn created two hundred million pounds of small minnows and fry, which in turn created twenty million pounds of perch, which in turn created two milion pounds of walleye. That's a very "chain like" example but I'm sure that you get how it' s a web since energy in the lake in the form of zooplankton don't just fuel one thing on the next notch above them. They fuel lots of things on the next rung up, will impact and are impacted by other things also in their approximate rung, as well as the rung below them...things like algae, bacteria, and chlorophyll which is some of the stuff they eat.

I vew the global economy exactly the same as a biologist would view the food web in Mille Lacs. It's all intertwined and interdependent of one another. Instead of things like zebra mussels and SWF impacting decreasing the amount of zooplankton you have things like China devaluing their currency to create an unequal trade advantage where the cost of everything there is even less expensive relative to the dollar and this then decreases US manufacturing by pricing it too high to be competitive for most companies.

Consumerism is disgusting in most ways. I prefer wearing the same pair of pants until they're dirty which could be a few hours or a couple weeks. I think men who legitimately get into shoes are total metrosexuals, which is a term that I'm going to use more and hope to see it make a comeback because it's a wonderful term to use to describe somethimg someone's doing that's totally gay. Everyone knows what it means...calling someone a metrosexual is an acceptable way of calling them a phag.

Anyways, I'm not big on consumerism for the reasons you list. People like you describe I simply say they're living "Njgger Rich." Where they worry about having all this stuff thinking they need to have it, but despite having all the latest and greatest lavish stuff it leaves them broke, stressed, and miserable. If buying and having shit is what makes you happy you're fukced since that happiness can be taken from you very easily then. I like my old crusty shit that might contain a little sentimental value, but not enough to deter me from being able to part from it once it's worn out. I'm not thinking, "how much will I need to retire?" but, "What's the lowest I need to retire?" The only thing of any value is time. The only desire I have for money is because it quite literally buys you time. We can't take anything with us. Dying with a great deal of wealth thinking it's some sort of prestigious way of showing you were successful....that your life wasn't wasted and you have all this money and crap and that's an accomplishment is utterly stupid. The goal is to live as much of your life as possible doing what makes you happy. Whoever lives the most hours of their life not on the clock for someone else spent doing something fulfilling is the benchmark. The goal should be to die without a dime having worked the least amount of work hours possible. To have enough money to live at the standard of living you want and not being a financial burden to anyone.

As far as my thesis, I like going to start calling it that too.....

Cash has much, much, much less to do with our "global financial food web," than most could ever imagine. When people hear a company like Target has $75 billion in annual revenue they think it's cash. As in people going shopping at the stores spent $75 billion and that's the balance of what's in their corporate checking account. I know that's how rubes view it since that's how I used to view it. Or maybe a better example would be the richest people in the world rankings. They get outraged when learning of Jeff Bezos "making" another $50 billion since the pandemic started to be worth $190 Billion. "Does his greed know no boundaries? What about the working condition for the poor workers at Amazon? Why don't they make more? Have better Healthcare? We need to tax Jeff Bezos more and make him pay his fair share because he's clearly taking advantage of people to get so wealthy."

They think Jeff Bezo's has $190 Billion in his checking account. That he cut a ton of wages, benefits, and jobs....did all sorts of sleazeball shit to steal that money from the poor American working man. That his huge increase in wealth could be the result of only one thing---Greed

It couldn't be further from the truth. When I saw the story about how much he made during the pandemic I went and checked, he didn't even take the shares he's entitled to as his compensation for being CEO. He did nothing. Had the same exact number of shares prior to covid. The wealth of something he owned increased. What do you suppose Bezos did with all that extra money?

Nothing, because there is no money. He has the same amount of cash in his checking account as he did from before his wealth increased another $50 billion. His net worth jumping $50 billion did not put one extra red cent of cash in his pocket. He made no money off any of it....since stocks are shares of equity and until you sell them you've made nothing. It's the exact same as owning a house and having the market go up to where your home is worth $50K more. There's no extra cash in your bank accounts from the equity in your home going up....just like Bezos doesn't have a dime more than he did before due to the value of the company increasing and his equity shares being worth more. It doesn't mean they have more.

I could go on and on forever but that was a hard concept for there's next to no money in all of the global financial web, in terms of how we as consumers view money. Holding a bill for a certain amount of liquid currency we can swap for things that have a set value.

The money that exists is in the forms of stuff like bonds, mortgage backed securities, funds, real estate, different currency, assets, and reinsurance.

My thesis is how the global economy has been propped up by the creation of trillions of dollars of capital, or "money " in the form of Bermuda based phony reinsurance agreements. Trillions and trillions of dollars in money that never existed coming existence because an accountant declared it did. Like with the Mille Lacs example of two billion pounds of zooplankton eventually being funneled down to create two million pounds of goes trillions in stuff like phony reinsurance agreements being needed to create billions of money, as in cold hard cash. Cash, or how consumers view money, are the walleyes. The sfuff that comes out on the end after dumping all this other shit in and then paring it down to cash money.

There's so much fake money being conjured out of thin air and reported it's hard to track and even harder to identify......

......until one of my partners figured out a way, and that's where I have to stop....just when it gets interesting like in most cases.
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Mn Busiest Gun Range....Mpls

Thu Oct 29, 2020 10:31 pm

Ya the manufacturing of wealth is definitely very's very interesting to watch how they manipulate things in the markets to in many instances make money appear out if thin air.

It's really crazy...I mean, very rudimentary but in high school(the very small amount of economics they teach) you are basically brainwashed that the stock market is a place where buyers and sellers come together and a price paid for an equity is basically a balance of supply and demand between buyers and sellers. LMFAO it's nothing remotely close to that. It's all fake...for fake wealth generation.

My eyes have been opened so much over the last 4 years

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