Mergie Marauder
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Thu Jul 29, 2021 11:45 pm

Go bulldogs! How many rock bass did Al keep? Can’t remember the name of the dude in the boat that he fishes with but if you you close your eyes while watching his fishing shows it sounds like a porn film. My buddy pointed it out to me and I laugh everytime I see him on film.

Isn’t the saying that they fight like barn doors? I think halibut fight great. I had to grab my buddies wife to keep her from going overboard. A 120 pounder was pulling her in. Her feet were 6 inches off the floor of the boat. Ever shore fish em kwack? My buddy does good fishing the Cook Inlet off the beech.

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Fri Jul 30, 2021 12:13 am

I have not shore fished for them. It would be cool to try it out at some point. Most of the shore fishing is done around clam gulch to whiskey gulch and if i am that far down south I might as well take the boat out. Shallow water halibut fishing has to be sole of my favorite. They hit the baits like a freight train

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Fri Jul 30, 2021 12:01 pm


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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Fri Jul 30, 2021 1:08 pm

^^^ the best part is that they....he....let's be any chick ever has had that much ingenuity......but fuggggg....that wonderful creation was built off the foundation of what is perhaps the most chick car ever constructed......I'm so confused now.....

Regardless, the best part is the "Keep on Truckin'" on the bumper.

Thanks Nershi, you just made my day! Haha!!
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Fri Jul 30, 2021 1:20 pm

Nershi wrote:Go bulldogs! How many rock bass did Al keep? Can’t remember the name of the dude in the boat that he fishes with but if you you close your eyes while watching his fishing shows it sounds like a porn film. My buddy pointed it out to me and I laugh everytime I see him on film.

There's two guys....the one seen behind us in the boat is his brother Ron, and I'm still drawing a blank on the name of the other guy. The guy literally biting his tongue though is his bro Ron. You can tell that he has a combination of being all business, as well as a touch of jealousy that his brother constantly gets all the attention from dudes like me who totally fanboy out when they see Al and he gets none, and he's half the operation....pretty sure they split the $40 million plus they got when selling the 'In-Fisherman' magazine to a NYC based publisher like twenty years ago.

Their boat was easily a $70K+ set brother in law pulled in after us and was like, "What effing dipshit dumps a boat like that in here!? And why is [FF] all smiles and being nice to another group at a landing for once!?"

This is how bad ass Al & Co are....not a speck of glitter on their boat. When you're worth tens of millions and you're probably getting everything for free it's pretty bad ass they don't give a shit about wrecking a $70K+ boat fishing the same shit that I do.

They told us they were fishing for catfish, which they always say when fishing this spot. I usually run into them at a different stretch and landing, but one thing never changes....they always say they're fishing for catfish.

Which is why I found it hilarious that they were casting top water for what I'm guessing was smallies, but they had big enough set ups going that they might have been after muskies. My brother in law pulled a 56," legitimately might have been pushing a 57" not far from where we passed them. I yelled, "Topwater for catfish, huh!?" Then pulled up our stringer and went, "The chickens haven't come home to roost yet Al!" which is one of my favorite lines from the movie 'A River Runs Through It.'

Al looked at our stringer and goes, "Good for got one good one on there. How deep did you pull it up from?"

"Like ten...maybe eleven feet."

"Whelp, that's good. By the looks of you I didn't think you could hold your breath that long."

Gotta love trying to trash talk your idol after fanboying out and then just getting absolutely served.
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Fri Jul 30, 2021 1:34 pm

Yea that was a gem. I saw him in the mirror several cars back and held up my lane of traffic going 15 under to let him catch up to get a better look of that sweet get up. Didn’t look like the beetle suspension was built to handle a pickup camper.

That’s a good story.

James Linder is the one with the porn voice who sounds like he is going to town on some slut everytime he is fighting a fish. I thought that was him in the pic. Ron the legend passed but is there also a younger Ron?

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Fri Jul 30, 2021 1:41 pm

Nope! You're a hundred percent correct! It's James seen bad on the Ron gaffe (RIP).

Oh, and to finally answer your previous question.....


They had zero rock bass. Haha!!
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Fri Jul 30, 2021 8:20 pm

The sun being such a ghastly red......all the smoke.......

This isn't an anomaly.

We're in hell. I'm just the only one who realizes it, and that fate is part of my own personal hell. I keep killing myself, over and over and over and over again.....and just before I turn forty.....I realize I how many times I've done this....right before I kill myself yet again.

Hell isn't fire and brimstone. There is nothing the human soul can't acclimate itself to.

Hell is feeling the worst despair, pain, and sorrow mankind can ever the paint you spend night after night crying with a shotgun barrel in your mouth mentally yelling at yourself, "Do it you fukcing coward! Do it you fukcing pussy!!"

Then low and behold you find love and saves you from your torment....your agony an despair turns into love, happiness, and euphoria. The sweet embrace of having everything you never thought you had a shred of a chance of ever having. You reach zen. You have it all. The desperate tears of sadness still exist and look exactly the same....exactly.....your face is the mirror image of the same state of agony and despair.....yet it's literally the yin to the yang....tears of happiness, love, and joy.

Hell isn't bad.....hell is the being given everything you've ever wanted and having it taken away.......

And then doing it over and over again for eternity....and only realizing it in the moments before you kill yourself....yet again....after your futile efforts have made everyone you ever loved miserable, no one more than yourself.......




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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Fri Jul 30, 2021 8:29 pm

He was super excited...been a boring stretch for him too hot to run. Only problem is in 90 degree heat he don't know when to stop going after the bird...won't even stop and drink water he just will bark at you to throw it again.

Cool riverboat pics! Looks dangerous lol

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Sun Aug 08, 2021 9:19 pm

They always seem to bite best when your buddies bitch out and stay home. Image

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