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Re: Maxxed out with Babe Winkelmen cohost

Wed Sep 03, 2014 2:15 pm

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Maxxed out with Babe Winkelmen cohost

Wed Sep 03, 2014 3:16 pm

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My personal perspective is you can only really be judged on the most recent performance. I spent the total part of my 20's pretty much a dip shat, my 30's as a recovering dip shat, now my 40's finally gaining perspective. I know that people that knew me 20 years ago still see that "me" from 20 years ago- Dip Shat. It sucks, but happens to all of us... you're just doing better if you never had a dip shat period. If you're still a dip shat, my guess is you are good at it and living the life you want to lead, and people respect that because they know where you stand. You're authentic.

There is a tremendous risk to the guy "out front". It's not all financial, its personal risk. Friends, family, colleagues... the fact that Graham puts himself out front is more than 90% of people will do. Most will rather hang back, take a job from the guy out front, then biatch they could do the job better.

Based on the outing with Babe's crew, Maxxed seems to have turned a corner. More mature, more humble. Maybe some realization he is attaining a goal he started out with a decade ago. But I can tell you, being the one out front wears you down. Someone always wants something from you and they always have a promise of how it's going to benefit you. Then they show up, break your stuff, don't do any work, and think they should get paid through spiffs, wages, discounts, etc.~ and that's your customers!

Again, I don't know Graham, but Maxxed Out has been a staple of threads for what, 5+ years, because of the promotional videos and craigslist ads, so there is the "out there" that I'm familiar with. I don't know if he's good all the time or hunts enough there is footage of being good some of the time; but, I think he's competing with himself at this stage, competing with where he came from to what his next move is. His next move, most likely, is to be a leader in some capacity, something larger than Maxxed Out.... but if everyone is stuck on Dip Shat, he's got a long road in front of him if he wants to develop himself further, particularly in water fowling.

I hope the Babe's Outdoors is the representation of where he is at now. I liked that he is differentiating by allowing unguided, semi, and full guided trips, and that he sees the "lost" hunters that want to get their youngsters experience as a primary customer. That's maturity.

If Graham reads this, I say "good on ya". I don't think he is above criticism, none of us are. And internet bashing is a time honored tradition amongst us, so none of my thoughts are in defense of him or opposition to him. Just saying how things look now to me, in my post-dip shat recovery perspective phase. Next up is C&P know everything phase :lol:

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Re: Maxxed out with Babe Winkelmen cohost

Wed Sep 03, 2014 6:04 pm

Hansen wrote:I watched it. Actually, not that bad. Better than some of the hunting shows around.

I just watched it and I agree. I went in as a cynic, and I still am, but it really was an OK show. No mention of brand names or overly overt sponsors (with the Polaris plug being the only exception). The maxxed out guide seemed to genuinely enjoy doing what he was doing...although I think high-fives in the blind are gay and contrived...even though I have been guilty of them in the past...they're just so forced and not sincere...especially on camera....

I wish I had more to bash but it actually wasn't that bad.

I will say this; if I was a guide there's no way I'd EVER wear a black hoodie. It seems like these guys are inept in that they wear them. You'd think they'd know the stereotype and not play into that perception. Other than that I don't have much to pick apart...

....Besides Kris Winkleman. JFC I was hoping I could make it through one of Babe's joints and not have to hear her voice. Oh well. All in and a half thumbs up.
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Re: Maxxed out with Babe Winkelmen cohost

Wed Sep 03, 2014 9:35 pm

Goldfish wrote: He also seems to have the locations to get birds. He doesn't come across as an a hole like a lot of guides,

His mamma owns land along the refuge and I am sure extended family brings more. He rents refuge line pits on CL too.

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Re: Maxxed out with Babe Winkelmen cohost

Wed Sep 03, 2014 11:09 pm

Fish Felon wrote:
I will say this; if I was a guide there's no way I'd EVER wear a black hoodie. It seems like these guys are inept in that they wear them. You'd think they'd know the stereotype and not play into that perception.

I wear hoodies all the time, and I'm not about to wear bright colors when hunting so as much as the black hoodie stigma is out there, I'm usually wearing one myself. Either black, brown or camo. I don't have the attitude behind it like the "black hoodie mafia" boys tho. I better work on that

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Re: Maxxed out with Babe Winkelmen cohost

Wed Sep 03, 2014 11:22 pm

Speaking of ear ringing. About the :38 mark and replayed after. Good thing the guy on the end laid back. Same thing in some of their other videos. I did this to my girlfriend one time and feel bad about it to this day! Of course she tends to remind me about it any chance she gets.

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Re: Maxxed out with Babe Winkelmen cohost

Thu Sep 04, 2014 11:00 am

Fish Felon wrote:
I will say this; if I was a guide there's no way I'd EVER wear a black hoodie. It seems like these guys are inept in that they wear them. You'd think they'd know the stereotype and not play into that perception.

Do people who wear them really understand that perception tho? I mean... Its the same thing with Affliction and TapouT shirts but go to any bar on a Friday night and you still see a handful of choads still wearing them.

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Re: Maxxed out with Babe Winkelmen cohost

Sun Jul 03, 2016 9:20 am

I remember someone asking about Maxxed Out a month or 2 back but can't find the topic.

Anyways--guess what shows up on my Facebook feed today? :roll:

Where is the throw smiley when you really need it?

MaXXed Out Guides
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