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A spike in pike: Northern spearing on boosts Mille Lacs

Wed Feb 25, 2015 3:34 pm


A spike in pike: Northern spearing on Mille Lacs boosts license sales

Kirk Schnitker waited for his opportunity to spear a fish in 2007, as did 26,236 Minnesotans in 2014 — which was the number of spearing licenses sold in the state and a 27-year high.
Kirk Schnitker waited for his opportunity to spear a fish in 2007, as did 26,236 Minnesotans in 2014 — which was the number of spearing licenses sold in the state and a 27-year high. — Dennis Anderson •
February 24, 2015 - 9:08 PM

Opening Lake Mille Lacs to spearers bumped license sales, the northern pike harvest

Dave Estrem witnessed firsthand the frenzy that occurred this winter when northern pike spearing was allowed on Lake Mille Lacs for the first time in 32 years.

“The bays were just littered with spearhouses,’’ said Estrem, manager of Hunter Winfield’s Resort near Isle.

His resort rented eight darkhouses. “From Thanksgiving to the first of the year, they were filled on weekends, and two or three were filled during the week,” he said. And many spearers found their mark.

“They got lots of fish, from less than 30 inches to more than 30 inches,” Estrem said. “A lot of guys were happy. And it was a nice bump in business for us.”

Though angling accounted for 95 percent of Mille Lacs fishing pressure this winter, the allure of the lake’s new spearing opportunities helps explain a stunning 44 percent increase in the sales of Minnesota spearing licenses this season. After averaging about 16,000 resident licenses the past 10 years, the Department of Natural Resources sold 26,236 spearing licenses this year — nearly 8,000 more than last year and the highest in 27 years.

A hot bite: Red Lake fishing pressure smashes record
“To increase that much in one season is almost mind-boggling,” said Tim Spreck of Stillwater, a lobbyist and past president of the Minnesota Darkhouse and Angling Association. “The only thing that has changed is the opening of Mille Lacs [to northern spearing].”

A DNR creel survey this winter recorded 65,000 hours of spearfishing on Mille Lacs — which translates to an estimated 5,000 spearers, said Eric Jensen, DNR large lake specialist.

“Even if we assumed all of them were new, it doesn’t add up to 8,000,’’ Jensen said. “It [the increase in spearers] has to be more than just Mille Lacs.’’

Spreck offered another theory: “The Darkhouse Association has done a phenomenally good job of promoting itself. Our Facebook page is getting 30,000 to 35,000 hits a week during the season.”

Roger Goeschel of Burnsville, former Darkhouse Association president, questioned the accuracy of the DNR’s numbers. “You just don’t pick up 8,000 people in one year,” he said. He noted that a 2013 law change required seniors age 65 to 89 to buy a darkhouse spearing license, and he suspects those spearers are somehow just showing up now in the license sales statistics.

Northern harvest triples in size

The Mille Lacs creel survey showed spearers took 2,800 of the 3,175 northerns harvested this winter. The rest were caught by anglers, at least some of whom oppose northern spearing, worrying that the lake’s trophy-size pike might be disproportionately targeted. (The spearing season closed statewide Sunday; the northern angling season on Mille Lacs continues through March 29.) Total weight of the northerns was 18,400 pounds. Last year, with very poor ice conditions, winter anglers took just 2,000 pounds of northerns. In 2013, with normal ice conditions, they harvested 6,000 pounds.

While this year’s harvest is triple that amount, the total yearly northern harvest, including open-water fishing, should be well below the 50,000-pound safe-harvest target. Last year, summer anglers took about 16,000 pounds of northerns. Chippewa bands also were allocated 50,000 pounds.

“I have no concerns of overharvest,” said Rick Bruesewitz, DNR area fisheries manager.

To help encourage anglers to visit Mille Lacs despite a recent drop in the walleye population and tight regulations that make keeping walleyes difficult, last year the DNR boosted the bag limit on northerns from three to 10 fish, with one over 30 inches allowed. The limit was boosted to allow more opportunities for anglers to harvest fish from Mille Lacs, while perhaps also benefiting the lake’s walleyes.

No anglers in the DNR creel survey kept 10 fish, Jensen said. Estrem, too, said none of his customers speared 10 fish.

“It was not happening,” he said.

Jerry Brandt owns Brandt’s Ice Fishing, a rental house business on the south end of the big lake. He added two darkhouses this winter to his bevy of 26 ice-fishing houses.

“I wish I would have had more darkhouses,” he said. “We were booked through the middle of January. It was fantastic to start with, then slowed down.

“No one took that many fish; they were after trophies,” he said. “They didn’t want the little ones.”

The spearing definitely boosted his business and others around the lake, he said. Business that has been down because of the walleye woes.

DNR to meet with locals

Jensen and other DNR officials will discuss the northern harvest at the annual meeting Thursday with the Mille Lacs Input Group, a consortium of resort owners, bait shops and other local businesses.

Yet, whatever attention is given northern spearing at the meeting, prospects for recovery of the lake’s walleyes will be the top concern.

On Mille Lacs, Jensen said, “Walleye is still king.”

Doug Smith • 612-673-7667

Twitter: @dougsmithstrib
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Re: A spike in pike: Northern spearing on boosts Mille Lacs

Wed Feb 25, 2015 3:46 pm

Fish Felon wrote:“No one took that many fish; they were after trophies,” he said. “They didn’t want the little ones.”

Which is the exact thing that ruins pike fisheries. The DNR is trying to implement a new pike regulation to fix the hammer handle problem we have in this state. At the same time they open up spearing on one of the best trophy pike fisheries in the state. That makes a lot of sense. What did they expect people to target when they opened up spearing on this lake? Such a shame. Hopefully they close it down next year before the pike population is completely ruined. Pike have NOTHING to do with the "walleye problem".

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Re: A spike in pike: Northern spearing on boosts Mille Lacs

Wed Feb 25, 2015 3:53 pm

All for the mighty walleye.

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Re: A spike in pike: Northern spearing on boosts Mille Lacs

Fri Feb 27, 2015 2:31 am

So spearers are the only ones who don't want little pike?

Mergie Marauder
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Re: A spike in pike: Northern spearing on boosts Mille Lacs

Fri Feb 27, 2015 9:25 am

Goldfish, I know plenty of spearers who like little pike. I know plenty of hook and line anglers who like small pike. Pickled pike is tasty stuff.

The problem with spear fisherman is MOST are targeting the trophy fish. Before spearing was allowed on Mille Lacs you might see one or two fisherman, if any at all, targeting pike in the weedy bays of Mille Lacs. This year those same bays were littered with hundreds of spear shacks and most were after the big pike. The large weedy flats in the bays of Mille Lacs make pike particularly vulnerable to spearing. If Mille Lacs had a ten fish limit with no fish over 30 inches I doubt there would have been much spearing pressure. It is no secret that many of the lakes with the most balanced pike populations are lakes that either don't allow spearing or lakes that don't have the habitat/structure to make spearing worth while. Spearers can decimate the trophy pike in a lake pretty quick and once you have a hammer handle lake it is a long process to reverse that and restore the population to a balanced level. Mille Lacs is known as one of the best trophy pike fisheries in the state. That will be all over very soon IMO if they continue to allow spearing of the trophy fish. Lots of small pike are terrible for all species in a lake. When you get rid of large pike the small pike take over.

The DNR did a study and determined the pike and smallmouth are not eating most of the baby walleyes, the walleyes are. They implemented the liberal pike and bass regulations in order to help the resorts get more business. They came right out and said that. Since when does the DNR make regulations to help resorts get business? That is a very slippery slope that I do not think we should go down.

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Re: A spike in pike: Northern spearing on boosts Mille Lacs

Fri Feb 27, 2015 1:49 pm

Most hook and line fishermen don't take small northern either tho. It's a small number of fishermen who will keep small pike to pickle. That's what I'm getting at. Doesn't mater the method, people just don't want little pike. No regulation is going to force people to change their mind about that.

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Re: A spike in pike: Northern spearing on boosts Mille Lacs

Fri Feb 27, 2015 2:37 pm

There are plenty of people who harvest small pike for consumption. I know of many hook and line and spear fisherman who do including the people I fish with. But the question isn't who harvests more small pike. It is who harvests more trophy pike and I think there is no arguing spearers do. I've seen plenty of great trophy pike fisheries get ruined by spearers. I'm in no way anti spearing as long as their are regulations that keep trophy (balanced) fisheries from being decimated.

Mille Lacs pike population wouldn't be what it is today if spearing had been allowed all along. And it won't be what it was if we keep allowing people to drop tines on the big fish.

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Re: A spike in pike: Northern spearing on boosts Mille Lacs

Fri Feb 27, 2015 2:43 pm

Stute Slap has the best spear ever made.

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Re: A spike in pike: Northern spearing on boosts Mille Lacs

Fri Feb 27, 2015 5:46 pm

I don’t care what fisherman do with little pike as long as they don’t throw them back. We need to start viewing little pike like carp and valuing big pike like we do muskies.

My preferred method for “releasing” little pike is after I rip out their gills on one side. They sort of do this erratic loop swim where they can't right themselves or dive. I’ve seen eagles and ospreys pluck them as well as big pike and muskies hammering them. They won’t go to waste and you don’t have to worry about cleaning them or having them in possession.

One thing I have been messing around with is taking a bunch of little pike fillets and throwing them in a blender and then mixing in a couple eggs. Think crab cake consistency so you can form them into patties. I then cover them in bread crumbs and drop them in the fry daddy and then pull them out and throw them on a bun with tartar sauce and a slice of American cheese. Boom! Better than a McFish Fillet. Even the most spoiled brat who won’t eat fish will gobble them up until they’re sick. Any remnants of those pesky y-bones dissolve in the fryer.

It’s obviously not the healthiest option but we grill a lot of the other fish we catch. One thing we’ve adopted from our travels is scaling fish and cooking them whole in a sandwich maker over a campfire. As healthy as it gets and fish skin that’s lightly browned over a fire is delicious.

Opening Mille Lacs to spearing has disgusted me. Is there a bigger group of assholes in the state of MN than spearers?
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Re: A spike in pike: Northern spearing on boosts Mille Lacs

Sat Feb 28, 2015 12:13 am

Fish Felon wrote: Is there a bigger group of assholes in the state of MN than spearers?

Yeah...they call themselves "waterfowlers".

And yeah, I don't get allowing spearing on ML. We want big lets kill more? Though I don't really care...kill them all. The DNR should allow spearing for all species.
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