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Cop Shootings.....

Mon Jul 18, 2016 2:52 pm

Seems to me that it is time to round up some "Good Ol Boys" and get a posse together to protect our cops. What the hell is happening.....are there targets printed on their uniforms? The cowardly acts of these shooters needs to stop now, and not be copied by another "Justice Martyr" for BLM .

Years ago, I was told that our next great civil war will be a race war....I pray that it won't. It shouldn't be. It doesn't need to be.
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Re: Cop Shootings.....

Mon Jul 18, 2016 4:34 pm

I would not be the least bit surprised to see this country involved in a civil war and a world war simultaneously.

Has the Nobel committee requested their peace prize back from Obama yet? What a joke

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Re: Cop Shootings.....

Mon Jul 18, 2016 6:03 pm

I couldn't believe when I was watching the Dallas protests live, shots rang out the camera guy ran towards them and for a few seconds showed video of 3 cops face down on the ground before they cut away from it. just couldn't believe that was happening.

I never really believed the race war thing til these last two shootings, along with the less publicized ones in Georgia and TN days after Dallas. People aren't going to stand for that if it keeps happening. People will take it into their own hands if it keeps happening. I never used to have my gun on me 24/7 but I sure as hell do now.

It's really sad that this is happening. And pretty intimidating for a lot of people I think. Police are seen as people who can protect you, and when a single guy can take out 7 "professionally trained" people who are supposed to be able to protect you...it shows vulnerabilities and makes people scared.

All it will take is a white guy to go randomly kill 10 blacks as revenge and I fear siht will hit the fan. Slippery slope right now for sure.

Of course, then you have the people claiming Obama wants martial law so he can stay president. I heard that argument a year ago when they were going to let all the syrians in. Looks a lot more plausible at this point than it did then

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Re: Cop Shootings.....

Tue Jul 19, 2016 3:54 pm

The thing that makes one wonder is this: Who do you go after 1st?
The Muslims? the Illegals? the Blacks n'er do wells? The White n'er do wells? The non English speaking people? And lets not forget the Natives doing the netting/spearing. And don't forget the 1%ers either.... Or the welfare cheats.... Nor the GLT types.... The drunks and addicts.... the wife/Gf beaters... And how about those pesky farmers polluting our waters? or the Big AG folks that are making all the chemicals. The tree huggers.... And lets not forget the hunting and fishing lawbreakers!!!!
Did I forget anybody?

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Re: Cop Shootings.....

Tue Jul 19, 2016 11:55 pm

You've completely lost it fouler. There are two identified groups causing violence: BLM and ISIS

Not the rest of the demographics you listed.

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Re: Cop Shootings.....

Wed Jul 20, 2016 6:35 am

Quack wrote:You've completely lost it fouler. There are two identified groups causing violence: BLM and ISIS

Not the rest of the demographics you listed.

I think Al just gave us his "list" :o

I think the point that he was making is that things in this country have become a little volatile and it seems that the way people like to make their point lately is by taking out innocent people. It's a cop out (no pun intended) to blame the government for this type of action. It's a societal problem here in America and we are all responsible for cultivating a culture that makes violence a solution for our problems. Chuck's statement that it's time to round up some "good ol' boys" should be evidence enough.


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Re: Cop Shootings.....

Wed Jul 20, 2016 8:08 am

Lets just start with the blacks. The rest will fall in line on their own.
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Re: Cop Shootings.....

Thu Jul 21, 2016 2:56 am

I don't think that will persuade the Muslims....
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Re: Cop Shootings.....

Thu Jul 21, 2016 4:20 am

My reference to rounding up some "Good Ol Boys" is not advocating or promoting violence. It is merely a reference that some of us understand that sometimes violence is needed to stop the violence and to deter it. Veteran's understand this more than most. When common decency, common sense, respect for life, and diplomacy fails, and when the violence continues, sometimes violence in greater force is needed to immediately stop it and to deter it from happening again.

IMO, the continued surge in Conceal/Carry Permits is somewhat evident of this. What is bothersome though, is when you hear the permit carriers bragging about their guns and ammunition and what they can do with it. It appears that to dress for an evening out, one must accessorize with a gun, holster, and a couple of clips. I'm not against the right for these individuals to exercise their 2nd Amendment Rights, and to protect themselves and their families. I am concerned when is it is becoming a "cultural" thing to do because others are doing it merely for recognition.

IMO, the continued influx and promotion of violence in our society stems from our culture of de-sensitizing the value of human life (i.e. video games, music (Rap/Hip Hop), Hollywood, etc.). When the membership in a violent gang (Bloods, Crips, M-13, Arian Nation, Peckerwoods, etc.) is glamorized and accepted as a norm, we all lose. When we as a society provide economic assistance to these groups by buying their goods (drugs/weapons/stolen property), we all lose.
Last edited by cstemig on Thu Jul 21, 2016 9:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cop Shootings.....

Thu Jul 21, 2016 6:32 am

Just look at Chicago and how little regard so many have for the lives of others. 84 people were shot over the 4th of July weekend, I think it was 11 dead. 90+% is Black on Black incidents.

I think it is a cultural things. If how you are brought is "violence is not OK", for the vast majority they do not exhibit violence.

But when it is all too often surrounds you and the a fair amount of the people in the community accept it as the norm - you have Chicago type of violence. Be it St Louis, Miami, E LA, etc.
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