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Mergie Marauder
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Best vote for POTUS if you hunt?

Mon Aug 01, 2016 11:48 pm

Guessing Al will have the most to say about the abysmal cesspool of Rep/Dem Presidential candidates... but we should remember: MN never ever never votes anything but the Dem party ticket in Pres and Senate. SO, it doesn't really mount to one ant hill on a crap heap who the 'F' you vote for.

For me, I'm taking Gary Johnson on the Libertarian ticket and might down list all Dems just to be an ass. The Repubs will win in my district regardless, but WTH. The fact they've all gone "party line" and won't stand up to the Donald.... anyway....

I TOTALLY get why people like Trump, hate/love Clilnton, etc. But JFC~ the top candidates from the major party are running campaigns of victimhood.

"Boo hoo, poor me, my husband banged interns in the White House and i benefited"

"Wah wah, the press doesn't like me, the election is rigged, I won't benefit my businesses NEAERLY as much as I thought if I become Pres...."

New protest: Politicians Lives Matter

As a younger person I viewed public office as "service".... aw, hell no.

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Re: Best vote for POTUS if you hunt?

Tue Aug 02, 2016 6:23 am

Gary Johnson would be a horrible horrible choice for a public land hunter.

I think you should look at the libertarian party's views on public land and wildlife being held as public trust.

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Re: Best vote for POTUS if you hunt?

Tue Aug 02, 2016 6:54 am

I'm voting Gary Johnson. Donald and Hillary are just awful excuses for human beings. House and Senate would have to pass a bill to conduct a federal land transfer and that ain't gonna happen. Checks and balances.

Transferring federal land to the states might be a bad deal out west where some states might privatize them but it would be awesome in Minnesota. The state and counties would manage the Chippewa and Superior National Forests better than the Feds. DNR has habitat mgmt teams working on WMAs that could also handle the WPAs if they were transferred. And MN has all dat legacy money to fund it.

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Re: Best vote for POTUS if you hunt?

Tue Aug 02, 2016 10:31 am

I think that's all wishful thinking. Mostly likely WPAs would be bought by who ever has the most money, which probably isn't our state government.

They also want private ownership of all wildlife.... Do you understand how the far the implications of that could reach?

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Re: Best vote for POTUS if you hunt?

Tue Aug 02, 2016 1:43 pm

Gary Johnson has stated that he DOES NOT go along with the selling off of the large majority of federal lands. I thought that was the GOP's big plan. But I don't pay too much attention so don't quote me.

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Re: Best vote for POTUS if you hunt?

Tue Aug 02, 2016 3:39 pm

I've voted Libertarian for 8 years now. We need a viable 3rd party as the 2 parties in charge are simply awful with a Congressional approval rating that has not topped 20% in 10 years. Currently it is 11% approval. A house divided will fail - and we are failing as a nation.

I personally think that the 2 Patriot Acts are the most unpatriotic acts ever passed by congress. A US citizen can be deemed a 'domestic terrorist' by Homeland and all their rights are stripped. Both Dems and Repub passed and signed it. Not to mention the NSA unlawful spying on US citizens (big brother IS watching). We are going in the wrong direction as a country for many years with such policies.

Libertarians believe in the adherence to the US Constitution and small Govt. with limited powers, as I do.

So that I why I have supported the Libertarians in recent years.

And with 10% of the vote come federal $ for campaigns for exposure to the masses, and also air time via invites to debates. We need a 3rd party that represents the middle of the road people like myself - meaning both the right wing Repubs and left wing Dems are NOT representing the middle 60% of the population - and the Libertarian party currently has the BEST shot of creating a viable 3rd party to instill some common sense back into our country to right its course.

BTW, forget the nay sayers that say not voting for Trump is like a vote for Hillary. Mn is locked up as Dem in the Electoral College for the POTUS. So voting for Gary Johnson the Libertarian candidate is a smart choice for some true hope for the future of the USA.
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Re: Best vote for POTUS if you hunt?

Wed Aug 03, 2016 10:58 am

The Libertarian stance on no public ownership is exactly that, a platform stance. To the checks and balances point, it would equate to greater demands on the function and purpose of acquiring lands, something like expecting that lands we have to actually be managed.

The challenge in Western states is in current lease rights. The rancher isn't going to buy the land for $600 an acre when he rents, gates, controls for $60 an acre. And the possibility to put pressure on legacy water rights contracts would be interesting.

There is always a fundamentalist view of any ticket. The Republican's are supposedly "pro-business", but they are also anti-imigration and free trade. Trump can't even get the US Chamber of Commerce to endorse him.... and he's a business guy!

Hil gets lambasted by the Dems because she's a hawk.

The only reason the Republicans maintain control of the house is gerrymandering.

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Re: Best vote for POTUS if you hunt?

Wed Aug 03, 2016 9:30 pm

I happened to stop on a national news channel (BBC America I think) today - they said neither Hillary nor Trump gained ground after the conventions. And neither has 50%, meanwhile Libertarian Gary Johnson has over 7% of the vote nationally and about 4% for the Green party gal.(I don't remember her name). The traditional Repubs are POd at Trump being he is an outsider and the Bernie supporters will not support Hillary. Frankly if the Repubs rank and file had supported a moderate "clean" (no scandals) candidate (who did not keep putting his foot in his mouth all the time like Trump does) Hillary would be soundly beat being she has so much baggage and so many have so much disdain for her.
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Re: Best vote for POTUS if you hunt?

Wed Aug 03, 2016 10:15 pm

Trump only says what everyone else wants to but are scared of being chastised for it(and not win another term). Trump don't give a phuck, this isn't his gravy train like most politicians. Personally I like it, the whole PC thing has gotten way out of hand.

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Re: Best vote for POTUS if you hunt?

Thu Aug 04, 2016 7:46 am

totally agree on the PC thing. And like Johnson/Libertarians on an "open border", which isn't going to happen.... neither is a wall that Mexico pays for.

GENERALLY the term of a President has little long term consequence and whatever the outcomes/ramifications from a major policy shift take years to manifest themselves through the system. I.e. The 2008 housing crisis goes back to the Clinton administration and Barney Franks thinking everyone should get a house.

The PC band aid has been ripped off by Trump and the Republicans SHOULD be doing some self reflection about why they are so unpopular. They can't win in the areas of the country with the most money (West Coast/East Coast) and that's where they should be benefitted most..... but instead they hold the South and those desiring more independence from Government.... then they vote the Patriot Act, argue for State's Rights as they consolidate Federal Power. Bunch of jackholes.

The Bern relaunched some old time, liberal, Robin Hood BS. Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty wouldn't hold a candle to the dependence on government that would be created by Sanders' plans. Hmmm.... any wonder he's popular with college students? Let's see- we just got kicked out of the nest, Bernie offers us a new nest that's all ours.... sounds great to me!

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