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Re: Vikings 2019

Tue Dec 31, 2019 1:12 pm

I THINK I heard the Vikes haven't won a play off game on the road since '04??

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Vikings 2019

Sun Jan 05, 2020 4:31 pm

That was sweet.

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Re: Vikings 2019

Sun Jan 05, 2020 4:49 pm

Loved it. So good.

Glad to see Kirk exorcise some demons.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Vikings 2019

Sun Jan 05, 2020 5:11 pm

Fun to listen to on the way back from sconni land...hate that it even came to that ending though we had the ball with 3 min left all we had to do was move the chains and couldn't. Nice game though.

Honestly...saddens me slightly to see this class of QB's starting to age and falter. Brees gets beat at home first round by the vikes...Brady gets beat first round at home by the titans?

Year of upsets I guess. On to San Fran... should be interesting

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Re: Vikings 2019

Sun Jan 05, 2020 5:25 pm

maplelakeduckslayer wrote:Fun to listen to on the way back from sconni land...hate that it even came to that ending though we had the ball with 3 min left all we had to do was move the chains and couldn't. Nice game though.

Honestly...saddens me slightly to see this class of QB's starting to age and falter. Brees gets beat at home first round by the vikes...Brady gets beat first round at home by the titans?

Year of upsets I guess. On to San Fran... should be interesting

I agree, they could have moved the chains and won but an overtime win against the Saints without them getting to touch the ball is a little redemption for their overtime playoff win against us. Peyton is such a douche it was good to see his reaction on the sideline to the Thielen catch.

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Re: Vikings 2019

Sun Jan 05, 2020 5:37 pm

I'll have to look up the reaction. Hopefully us and Green Bay win next week for a championship at lambeau...epic

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Re: Vikings 2019

Mon Jan 06, 2020 12:32 am

I expected them to lose by twenty.....I also expected Auburn to throttle the Gophers and win by forty.......a pattern emerges given how it seems like every time I get my hopes up enough to have an expectation they should win in a game that matters? They lose.

I'd be a great sports gambler if I was able to bet opposite of my predictions.....

But the handful of times I've put money on a game betting the opposite of what my prediction is.......the universe somehow seems to morph my prediction into being what I had money on instead, just to be a cruel bitch and make me have to watch the teams I root for while going,

"Sure....just fukcing great.....I expected the Vikes to win, so I bet on them choking, and then they do what is as rare as a leap year, it happens maybe once every four years---they actually win a game they should win when I have money on them losing......."

Thankfully I'm not a big gambler, or I'd be dead in a ditch somewhere for sure by now with how good my luck is.
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Re: Vikings 2019

Mon Jan 06, 2020 12:42 am

By the way, I actually think we can go into San Fran and beat the 'Niners...... I'd bet on them losing big. As in whatever the spread is? They'll be ten points or more on the wrong side of it.

No chance of me putting any money on the game, so no worries of that prediction standing if you guys want to make some money.

Just prediction will be spot on and you guys will be like, "You should have put money on your awesome take!"

But if I had, then the universe would have morphed it into working the other way.

Again---thank God I'm not a gambler besides maybe the occasional case of beer or twenty bucks making a friendly wager...... just for the fun of having something riding on a game, with the added bonus of being able to talk some shit if I win.
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Re: Vikings 2019

Mon Jan 06, 2020 1:48 am

I totally thought the Saints were going to win it at the end........especially since the entire game I was like, "Holy Shit---they are actually going to win this one!" which has historically been the kiss of death and somehow-some way, they find a way to choke at the end.

The point when we just got gifted a Brees rare fumble.....his first of the year....and then it looked like Cook fumbled and they picked it up and ran it in, until replayed showed by the skin of his knee he grazed the turf for a split second right before the ball came out.....


That turn of events as a Vikings fan is hard to process. A "Bang-Bang" turn of rare events occurring that don't happen very often, let alone in a row to the Vikings......on the a playoff game......while playing with a three-point lead very late in the 4th quarter.....

But then they reminded us they were the Vikings by Stephanski's worst plays called in a second half with quite a few moments that make you go, "Uh, that's not something different," and the Saints wind up with the ball, and of course are marching down the field on their way to an inevitable touchdown.

BUT then......

They get a weird fukcing obscure rule where they get flagged and it converts into a delay of game with a five yard (or ten?) penalty and in addition the team penalized gets to choose between either forfeiting a time out or having ten seconds ran off the clock as part of the penalty. Has anyone ever seen that shit before? It oddly felt familiar, like a rule I knew about and had seen play out before, but after the game I realized there's no way I had any previous idea it was something in the rule book. I'm assuming it's there because somehow intentionally taking a delay of game is beneficial by stopping the what has to be an extremely obscure scenario. I'm sure that scenario exists, but can anyone explain to me when/how that could occur? When would it ever be beneficial to deliberately take a penalty under two minutes, with the ball, driving downfield? Would it have to be on 4th down (when a team couldn't spike it to stop the clock and get another play off), and without any timeouts??? So ten seconds gets ran off, because there's no way they would have a timeout since they'd just use the timeout then, right? So......I give up....can anyone explain what the fukc that was about? I'd appreciate knowing.

All I do know for sure is that it isn't something that happens very often, because if it did???

There's NO FUKCING WAY Sean Payton wouldn't have forfeited the timeout and kept the ten seconds on the clock!!!

I think he's a sleazy dbag of a coach that whines about minor shit to the league as if the Saints are the only team to ever have fluky calls happen to them.......but he's a good coach in terms of calling a game. I can't say I've ever seen him do something stupid like Zimmer's choice to punt it the last time we did against the Packers. Peyton is the "smart and savvy coach" who you see exploit weird little things from the rule book...he knows the rulebook like the back of his hand, never gets caught with his pants down being unfamiliar with any scenario, where you see him do something and then instantly realize how stupid it was, and then realize that he realizes it too shortly after and has be screaming in his head, "Fuuuuuck Me! Why Did I Do That!!

Like he did at the end of the game after he chose to run the clock down from 21 to 11 seconds so he didn't have to forfeit a timeout.....when he had two fukcing timeouts and his team is either in the red zone or damn near it and a TD wins it for them.....and the ten seconds gives you the certainty of being able to run one more play, and like a 98% chance of running two more plays since you'd still have a timeout left even after giving one up.....

It has to be rare as shit for that scenario to play out and a team to be penalized in that fashion, since there's no fukcing way any head coach in the NFL would ever choose to do what he did had they ever heard of the rule and put even a couple seconds of thought into it.

Maybe one of the dumbest decisions I've seen a coach make. As soon as he did it I was like,

"Thanks Frankie Muniz looking fukc.....thanks for choosing to time elapse the game clock forward and force yourself to kick a field goal for the tie instead of choosing to give Brees a couple shots to win it in regulation and then kicking the field goal if he doesn't get in. Thank You Very Much!!"

Seriously....what a dipshit! Brees within striking distance of the end zone....two plays where he gets a shot of finding a guy open just enough to make a good throw.....

Yeah, why would you want to do that?! Brees doesn't seem to pull that shit off like four to five games a season....over the last dozen value to giving him that opportunity to win it!

Hahahaha! What a Dipshit! It's made even better knowing he'll never let that shit will piss him off to the day he dies whenever it crosses his mind because of how much pride and ego he's built around this image that he's so friggin' smart.

I think an awesome "Fukc You" t-shirt or sign to bring into a game the next time we play the Saints would be,

Smart Move Coach Payton---Never Forfeit A T.O."
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Vikings 2019

Mon Jan 06, 2020 7:42 am

My satisfaction is immeasurable

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