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Mergie Marauder
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Maplelakeduckslayer's Woodie Camp for Daytraders

Fri May 15, 2020 9:26 am

MLDS, are you still day trading?

How's it been going?

Hey, what would take to entice you to post up a day of trading on here live so those of us so inclined could follow your moves and try shadowing you?

You make a move and then post immediately afterwards what you just did so guys [me] could try it and see what it's all about?

I don't learn for shit....I just have to do.....only way I learn to do anything.

I was thinking drug dealer rules....first couple fixes are on you to get us all hooked and then we could figure out compensation for your analysis, insight, and acumen.

What do you say?
Hate Speech is Free Speech

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Maplelakeduckslayer's Woodie Camp for Daytraders

Fri May 15, 2020 9:57 am

I do depending on work, sometimes it's day trades sometimes it's quick scalps sometimes it's swing trades up to catalyst events and you play the run up. Been doing a few more options trades as well.

Quick scalps would be hard to post as sometimes I'm literally holding for 30 seconds or less but that kinda of volatility has overall left the markets...March was incredibly fun.

Easiest to throw out and for people to actually watch/play would be the catalyst run ups and those are what exponentially grow your account the safest way, nothing is completely safe. But those are the plays really grew my account.

I actually kind of stopped trading those catalyst plays the past couple months because fugging Rona f'd everything, large caps were trading like penny stocks so I just traded the volatility on those. But I'm looking to start doing due diligence on those catalyst plays again and start playing again if the markets can remain somewhat calm and rational. We are at a pretty important point here where if we start sliding again things could get out of control so I'm being pretty cautious.

But I'm happy to throw some stuff out there knowledge/training and stock wise. I just have to urge caution at this particular point as things are very unsettled

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Maplelakeduckslayer's Woodie Camp for Daytraders

Sat May 16, 2020 8:30 am

So just to lay a foundation while bored sitting in a turkey blind...

All the market is is psychology and manipulation. That's all you are playing. You don't buy something because you think it's undervalued, because you believe in the businesses mission, because they are coming out with a drug to cure cancer. Ok all of that is BS and does not stand up to the manipulation that takes place.

When it comes to manipulation, there's small time manipulation...say tweets from traders on Twitter and iffy news major manipulation like investment banks issuing a buy rating and price target increase.

Ok think about this... because it boggles my mind people actually listen to investment banks for stocks to buy sell hold etc. Why would an investment Goldman Sachs...that spends millions of dollars on research and making a market on these stocks...willingly for free offer retail traders solid investment advice? They do this solely to provide liquidity to benefit themselves. Either to dump/buy/short positions. And that's it. I've literally watched Goldman issue a buy rating and PT increase in the morning and in the afternoon they are listed as an underwriter in a public offering of stock(which increases outstanding shares and diluted ownership typically driving price down). Lol is that not phucked up or what? So basically they issued a buy to drive liquidity to dump their position or short into ahead of the offerering in the afternoon.

This kind of thing is done on much smaller scale all the time on small cap traders writing blogs, sending out tweets, etc. Typically they get into a stock ahead of some sort of catalyst, post about the catalyst driving liquidity which causes a price increase...then they sell into the liquidity provided by unknowing retail traders. People who buy when the stock is up 100% because there's a whirlwind of excitement surrounding a data release in a new drug. And then even when data is released...and it's great...the price drops and they are flsbergasted. How? The f'ing thing increased 100% in the days leading up to data it's priced in lol. And they lose their ass and they do that over and over til they blow up their accounts say the markets are rigged and give 90% of people who try do

Mergie Marauder
Posts: 4796
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Re: Maplelakeduckslayer's Woodie Camp for Daytraders

Sat May 16, 2020 8:57 am

As a trader your job is to identify the stocks that are going to get these pumps before they pump. Get in, ride it, take solid gain, sell, move on.

Personally...I hold nothing long term. There's too much manipulation and swings that you can capitalize on trading in and out. I mean, a 401k 7-20% annual return seen as pretty great yeah? That mindset is manipulation they can use your invest for themselves(often times taking a side against your position) and make huge gains while you are told 7-20% is fantastic.

Ok, I'm not a stock God, I'm still continually learning and phuck up plenty. And I'm not bragging I'm simply trying to make the point that everything you are told about investing/returns etc are BS. But in the last 12 months my account is up roughly 300%. YTD I did have some f ups from Rona but I'm still up 50% so far...while many peoples 401's got destroyed and they just ride this up down up down. And these %'s aren't even necessarily's all relative.

It's all about identifying the manipulation that is going to take place and managing the risk so if you are don't blow the f up.

Part of this is never holding positions on margin.

So what's margin? Margin are funds your broker matches that they allow you to trade with. So for instance I trade with TD Ameritrade and they give me 4:1 margin. Meaning if my account is 10k they will allow me to trade 40k... basically a loan.

So say you short a biotech cause it's a garbage penny stock blah blah blah. You wake up next morning and they released phenomenal data and it's up 200%(happens all the time on bios). If you traded that with the 40k just lost 80k. Your account is only 10k. You own your broker 70k.

That's not wise risk management you never use margin like that.

You need to also size into trades properly as risk management. I don't care how sure you did all the research, looked at the financials, etc... stuff happens. You don't throw your entire account into a single trade...ever

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Maplelakeduckslayer's Woodie Camp for Daytraders

Sat May 16, 2020 9:20 am

90% of people fail at this because they don't follow risk management rules and they don't understand the manipulation and they don't put in the work to analyze data read sec filings etc. You just buy random stocks you get destroyed or lucky

People see a stock up 50% and continuing to go up they think it's bullish. Hell no. Ok(I'm referring to smart money here) bulls load liquidity on the way down. Shorts sell into liquidity on the way up. Ok if it was the other way around price would rise if fall too quick to build a position. On the way have smart bulls selling their positions they collected in the way down and smart shorts selling into the rise. The only ones buying here are dumb retail they getting dumped on by everyone. Reverse for when a stock is falling.

There's so many ways that these get manipulated, not just data/news stories/etc...even how the orders go through themselves.

Ok this is f'd up too. You are taught the market is there to bring buyers and sellers together and price is basically fairly because buyers and sellers are balanced etc. Ok...institutions can use what's called dark make trades outside the market so they don't tip anyone off to what they are doing. So you can watch the orders on a stock go through all day...after the close sometimes you'll see huge trades go through. These are tutes positioning themselves and not tripping people off... sometimes it's huge like millions of shares...and it's at a set price ..where if you tried to do that on the open market millions of shares would either tank or spike the stock. It's messed up

They can also manipulate the bid/ask on a stock to influence order flow. So generally speaking the bid side is buying ask side is sellers. And you'll see a ladder of prices from best to worst. By making it appear there's tons of shares on the ask side...thy can make it seem like tons of people are trying to sell and they can secretly buy on the bid(cause they can hide their bid share size too, manipulation). It can be done in reverse too make it seem like there's buyers so people buy the shares they are selling on the ask

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Maplelakeduckslayer's Woodie Camp for Daytraders

Sat May 16, 2020 9:23 am

I've never been a good teacher so this probably isn't written the best and seems kinda scattered...but if there's questions let me know.

Bit later I'm going to post a couple stock charts of some upcoming potential plays I'm watching and kind of explain what's going on why I'm watching it what chart means etc

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Maplelakeduckslayer's Woodie Camp for Daytraders

Sun May 17, 2020 6:10 pm

Greed will get you every time. Pigs get fed hogs get slaughtered

They prey on emotions by running stocks up sometimes 100-1000% in one day. This leads to fomo...fear of missing out. Everyone thinks the next stock that starts popping is gonna be the next huge runner

For every stock that puts in a crazy move like that...there's 10x that many that move 10% up and tank. You don't hold thinking every stock is going to go 1000% making you a millionaire.

Consistent gains over and over are what grow your account, not home runs. You get 5-20% on a stock get out and get in the next one. It's opportunity upon opportunity out there...know how many times I've been up 10% and feel it's got more in the tank and end up with a loss? Know how bad of a feeling that is to say be up $3k and end up losing $1000? It sucks balls. Don't do it. When a stock keeps going up after you are out just brush it off, don't even think about it. Especially when you start trading big position size...5-10% moves are a lot of money. Yes it'd be great to get in on a 1000% mover...but it's practically a unicorn you never know which one is going to do it

I sincerely feel everyone should be attempting to to learn this stuff... especially now that practically every broker is commission free trading. You can trade small amounts to learn and not get eaten alive by fees.

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Maplelakeduckslayer's Woodie Camp for Daytraders

Sun May 17, 2020 7:23 pm

So a little clarification on some terms I may use.

Float: the amount of shares of a security that are readily available to trade. The lower the float, generally speaking, the more a stock will move because the supply is smaller(fewer shares available) so when demand increases the stock spikes

Offering: Especially happen in small caps, offering refers to selling of shares, often times to the public, to raise capital. Most often seen as bad unless it's a private placement or price of the offerering is at a premium, because it adds shares to the float therefore diluting ownership... typically when there's an offering price of the security will drop.

SEC filings: often times pertinent information regarding a company is filed with the sec but 90% of people are too lazy to research and discover this information. They will mention earning, offererings, mergers, acquisitions, etc. Very very important information. S-3 is one of the most important ones...this designates if a company has prefiled to offer shares.

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Maplelakeduckslayer's Woodie Camp for Daytraders

Sun May 17, 2020 9:01 pm

So using the above information...

I look for lower float stocks that have upcoming catalysts in a semi healthy financial position and fairly bottomed to limit downside risk. These stocks almost always get picked up by manipulators(pumpers) that either tweet, have stock chat rooms, etc and mention these stocks(that they have frontloaded), driving volume and making them spike. Your goal is to get in when these pumpers do and ride the wave up after they "alert" the plays

This is the general format of the catalyst run up plays that are semi safe plays. They almost always get a pop and very rarely get caught with pants down. You need to sell spikes though you don't hold through actual catalyst most of the time

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