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Re: Swan Fight

Mon Jun 26, 2023 7:26 pm

Fish Felon wrote:P.S. there is nothing "natural" about Minnesota's population of Trumpeter swans. It's a fake, grossly mismanaged, abortion of a wildlife species within our borders. They weren't here and they shouldn't be here. Restitution on them is only a grand if you could swing having ten Benjamin's in your pocket while duck hunting....that's the legal cost of shooting a trumpeter.....if it the extremely rare chance they'd ever catch you.

So seeing a Trumpeter violently killing as many goslings as possible wasn't me witnessing nature. It was me witnessing yet another retarded idea by the DNR. It's funny how all their non-game dipshit ideas are a "success." Most likely one of the many pieces of evidence for how this state is cursed.

Yah swans didn’t start killing goslings until the DNR.

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Fish Felon
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Re: Swan Fight

Mon Jun 26, 2023 7:38 pm

Drunk_Dynasty wrote:
Fish Felon wrote:P.S. there is nothing "natural" about Minnesota's population of Trumpeter swans. It's a fake, grossly mismanaged, abortion of a wildlife species within our borders. They weren't here and they shouldn't be here. Restitution on them is only a grand if you could swing having ten Benjamin's in your pocket while duck hunting....that's the legal cost of shooting a trumpeter.....if it the extremely rare chance they'd ever catch you.

So seeing a Trumpeter violently killing as many goslings as possible wasn't me witnessing nature. It was me witnessing yet another retarded idea by the DNR. It's funny how all their non-game dipshit ideas are a "success." Most likely one of the many pieces of evidence for how this state is cursed.

Yah swans didn’t start killing goslings until the DNR.

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This state didn't have swans until the DNR decided to create a retard population of them. So yeah, swans didn't start killing goslings until the DNR....becuase if it wasn't for them there'd be no swans, and thus impossible for them to start killing goslings here.

At first read I was going to say, "I'm not sure how you can misinterpret the point I made any worse," but you actually got it....just in a different sort of roundabout way.
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Re: Swan Fight

Mon Jun 26, 2023 7:50 pm

Nershi wrote:Great story felon.

Fish Felon wrote:It's a fake, grossly mismanaged, abortion of a wildlife species within our borders. They weren't here and they shouldn't be here. shit ideas are a "success." .

Couldn’t you say the same thing about the Canada geese you were protecting?

Perhaps.....I'd say you'd have a leg to stand on with that argument but I'd ultimately disagree.

MN has always been home to the type of Canada goose that resides here. They've always known to migrate. You could argue that they might not migrate that far South in the winter, but they are definitely a migratory bird. They molt migrate way the hell up into Canada, and there's band reports of them from all over the country/Canada.

MN Swans are fukcing retarded and don't migrate. There's a bunch of swans that winter around the cabin....because they're too fukcing retarded to migrate.

Any band you see on a swan in MN is going to produce a COA of being from MN and most likely not very far from where they were banded.

The population of Trumpeters that were heavily shot during the market hunting era and the modern population of them in MN are two very different things. The former was a population of migratory birds that were like every other hunted species of waterfowl. The latter is a local, retarded to population of rejects that don't migrate....and they'll come to you instead of being afraid of humans because being handfed by man has been so prevalent that it's now genetically ingrained into them.
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Re: Swan Fight

Mon Jun 26, 2023 9:23 pm

So farmers stomping on goslings are ok?

Or not ok?

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Fish Felon
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Re: Swan Fight

Mon Jun 26, 2023 10:49 pm

Not OK. If they have a problem with there being more geese on their property they should've shot the adults before they nested and the goslings hatched.

Killing a baby animal that's helpless in front of it's parents is some really fukced up shit. A clear sign of being a sociopath.

From a pure property rights standpoint they should be able to do what they want on their property. It isn't their job to raise the state's wildlife on their land.....they have no obligation to do it.

From an ethical, moral, and fuggggg......any shred of empathy for life of any kind altogether......they shouldn't be a sick twisted fukc and stomp on baby animals of any kind.

Once an animal produces offspring let them be and try to raise their young. It might be a different set of ideals than your own personal ones, but any animal that is caring for their young is vulnerable at that time, and their young are extremely where most of them are going to die from other reasons before reaching adulthood anyways.

As humans we view children as being pure and innocent.....not exposed to the polluted part of mankind that most of us have experienced in one way or another. As such, society views crimes against children to be especially heinous......and I don't think I'm alone in having that idealogy extend to other animals as well.

If a farmer stomps goslings on his own property I'm not going to say he doesn't have the right to do so, I'm certainly not going to call him in, or lose any sleep over it.

I will view him as a sadistic fukc who probably is soulless though.
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Re: Swan Fight

Fri Jun 30, 2023 9:45 am

How old do fawns need to be before you farmer friends from Iowa start shooting them?

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Re: Swan Fight

Fri Jun 30, 2023 11:04 am

Fish Felon wrote:
MN Swans are fukcing retarded and don't migrate. There's a bunch of swans that winter around the cabin....because they're too fukcing retarded to migrate..

There are mallards that stay in fairbanks all year. If they have food and water why waste time migrating? Seems like some type of evolution taking place.
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Re: Swan Fight

Mon Jul 03, 2023 2:28 am

Nershi wrote:How old do fawns need to be before you farmer friends from Iowa start shooting them?

First off, they're not friends, they're family.

Secondly, Good Question! I'll be sure to ask this fall after shooting some rutabagas and getting drunk. I'm honestly not sure....they just say "deer," and have never made any other distinction. It's not a question I feel like asking them out of the blue and over the phone.

Their livelihood is farming. Put yourself in someone like my cousin's age twenty-five he'd signed off on owing millions....literally had at least a couple million in debt he owed on, a wife, and three little kids. Margins are tight in Iowa when land prices are North of ten grand an acre.

What would you do after losing a fifth of the crop on a quarter section of land you just bought that isn't covered by crop deer cause you to lose your ass and go into the red as an operation that year?

It's easy to judge people when it's not your fukcing money being lost. There isn't depredation money from the Iowa DNR for this shit.....despite their fukcing animals that caused him to lose his ass that year. Do you think if a bunch of cattle got loose and did that the farmer wouldn't have had to pay? Through commercial general way or the other if someone's animals come into your property and adversely affect your business's bottom're going to get paid for it because you should, one way or another, most likely through court of some kind whether it's insurance subrogation or a personal civil lawsuit.... why in the fukc is it any different when it comes to the state's animals?

It shouldn't be. Not everyone values wildlife the same as you do and quite frankly it's pretty fukced that hunters push their ideals and value systems onto private property owners expecting them to feel the same way they do.

Why is it any landowners obligation to raise deer because you want to shoot them that fall?

Just so I understand you clearly, you want them to never shoot deer that are wreaking havoc on their business products, eat the losses, and deal with the financial consequences from not shooting there's more deer around for hunters to shoot in the fall?

Oh, and they don't give a fukc about deer when it comes to hunting season....let everyone who asks hunt for deer. There's a group of dudes from Georgia who come and hunt every few years. I'd go down and actually deer hunt but it takes about three years and like $500 nowadays for a deer tag. I think a non-resident doe is like $350 and an every other year tag if you're lucky. I'll have to go look it up and see....bottom line is it's totally fukced. Blame the Iowa DNR trying to extort hunters for a big part of the reason they can't get enough guys to hunt deer for them and lower how many there are. They live in the middle of nowhere. A town of 300 old people that literally can't support a bar....the only bar in town closed about a decade ago.
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Re: Swan Fight

Mon Jul 03, 2023 11:02 am

Sounds like some sadistic fukcs who probably don’t have souls.

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Re: Swan Fight

Mon Jul 03, 2023 2:33 pm

Guess I should have shot the cow and 2 calves that just ate our apple tree and raspberry Bush. I mean we did pay for the plants and put time and effort into them in Hope's of making jam this winter.

Also the commercial fishing boats should probably start sinking sport fishing boats since they are taking fish from "their bottom line"

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