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Mon Jul 10, 2023 4:27 am

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Re: Sadistic....

Mon Jul 10, 2023 9:58 am

He was one of the guys going around threatening to rape women in the boundary waters.

lock him up and throw away the key

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Sadistic....

Tue Jul 11, 2023 12:17 pm

He should of got way more than that. Like run him over and leave him suffering. See how it feels. F him, punk.

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Re: Sadistic....

Fri Jul 14, 2023 11:39 pm

I'm conflicted.....

On one hand what he did is extremely fukced up and sadistic....young Dahmer type shit.

On the other hand, he didn't hurt humans were harmed. If he'd driven into a pack of wolves I'm guessing a lot of people would feel differently, I think I would. I'd like to say I wouldn't because it seems hypocritical to feel differently when both animals are large mammals....and capable of feeling pain and emotions.....

I dunno.....I'm just going to go with this one being a fair sentence. 90 days in jail is borderline doing "real time." It's not like he's doing a couple weekends and then spending time cleaning up ditches. Three months in jail to think about it should change him...hopefully for the good but depending on how it goes and the types of inmates he gets exposed very well could change him for the bad.

I think the loss of big game hunting privileges is a joke considering in MN it's an automatic three year revocation for getting two minor infractions within a three year period.

Let's say you got cited for not having the legal blaze orange requirements on the last weekend of gun season 2021 and you get cited for not properly tagging your deer because your knife wasn't sharp enough to notch out the date correctly on opening weekend 2023?

You lose your big game hunting privileges in essentially North America for three years.

So not being able to deer hunt for a year seems pretty fukcing light. Five should've been the minimum.
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Re: Sadistic....

Sat Jul 15, 2023 10:36 am

Drunk_Dynasty wrote:He was one of the guys going around threatening to rape women in the boundary waters.

lock him up and throw away the key

Actually he wasn’t one of the Ely 5. Idk why I thought that.

He is some loser from South Dakota that was in the natural resources program at Vermilion community college tho hahahahaha.

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Re: Sadistic....

Mon Jul 24, 2023 4:05 am

I smoked a fawn last night coming home from work. I was on black top doing a little over, so pushing 60mph, a doe and two fawns were crossing a stretch that is pitch illumination anywhere up and down the road minus headlights. I had my brights on but still didn't see them until I wouldn't have been able to brake for be honest, I was glancing at my phone because this chick was messaging me off tinder.....looked up and the doe and first fawn were already across my lane and into the other opposite lane headed towards the ditch. The second fawn in the rear was right behind them....they were equally spaced a body length apart from each other.....the second fawn was going to be fine....was going to easily clear the lane, and me, moving at the trot pace it was going.....little thing, still covered in spots, a month or two old.......

....and then the thing stoppec, kind of circled, and did a squat move, and I fukcing smoked it.

It was the shittiest I've felt in a minute, as the kids say.

I'm not sure what caused it to not keep going....wish it would've since it would've been more than fine. I was only about a mile and a half from expected, busted up the plastic over the bumper real low, no blood or anything, but you could smell deer....very pungent smell of deer. I thought about grabbing a gun and going back to check and make sure it was dead and not suffering, but I was very confident a little fawn like that, at the speed I was going, and where it's head was in relatio to my bumper......I didn't want to go back and see it dead and feel worse than I already did.

On my way back to work today I didn't see any sign of the collision. No marks, blood, deer, no birds in the ditch eating something.....absolutely no signs whatsoever. Now I'm hoping there was some sort of miracle and the thing successfully cleared me, barely nicked the bumper, and was able to get up and get away. Stranger things have happened.

It's amazing how shitty I felt now that I'm North of forty compared to how little I would've given a fukc back when I was the kids age in the article.

I seems wrong and sadistic as fukc to drive into helpless deer. The thought of trying to hit the mom and two fawns I saw, which I easily could've, is a totally fukced thought to have.

At the same time......I think having empathy for animals to the degree I have now, and most of you seem to have, is something that comes with age. I doubt the kid in Ely would do what he did aged twenty years older, just like I doubt none of you wouldn't have succumbed to peer pressure and swerved at an animal back in your college or young impressionable adult days.

I don't think 90 days in jail is a good idea. I think community service hours, helping out at a vet or animal shelter, would be a much better punitive way of dealing with the kid in hopes it'd help rehabilitate him....expose him to some animal suffering up close and realize not to be sadistic. Killing animals is something that is part of the order of the world, and being on top as man.....but it should be done with some degree of dignity and reverence for what you're killing, in my opinion.

Even farmers killing shit because they don't want it on their land.....give it a quick and humane death and don't kill a mother with young. Wait until their grown, give them a chance, after giving hunters a crack at them. I know you guys hate to hear the farmer stuff and I don't disagree with you.....the shit is sadistic and I'd rather it didn't happen but I'm also very pro-property rights and for smaller, less intrusive government. It's not my place to tell another man what they can and can't do on their property as long as it doesn't drastically effect the well-being of other humans....i.e. infringes on someone else's life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. Water issues.....shit like not being able to dispose of nuclear toxic waste on your property.

Deer getting shot don't affect people imo. There are always exceptions to every rule....I'm sure there's a scenario one of you can think of that fits the exception, but generally speaking.....deer live their entire lives in less than a square mile so some farmer shooting deer isn't going to effect a bunch, or any people, imo.

Sending this kid to 90 days of jail is a bad idea. 90 days is long enough to make a young impressionable man go sour.....make him bitter and resentful to society at large, especially towards the legal system. He's not going to be spending time in there with winners and I think there's a very good chance he'll come out bitter and more hardened towards not just animals, but mankind.

There are much better ways for him to serve his debt to society that will actually benefit him and society. Jail isn't it.
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Re: Sadistic....

Mon Jul 24, 2023 8:13 am

I’ve gotten softer as I’ve gotten older. I don’t try to fight it anymore. Just part of growing up.

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Re: RE: Re: Sadistic....

Mon Jul 24, 2023 10:14 am

Drunk_Dynasty wrote:[quote="Drunk_Dynasty"]He was one of the guys going around threatening to rape women in the boundary waters.

lock him up and throw away the key

Actually he wasn’t one of the Ely 5. Idk why I thought that.

He is some loser from South Dakota that was in the natural resources program at Vermilion community college tho hahahahaha.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro[/quote]Ely six. I drank with a few of them when going to the college up there. Couple of them seemed pretty normal and just got caught up doing some pretty stupid stuff. I can get down with not being a fan of tourists but what they did was effd up.

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Re: Sadistic....

Mon Jul 24, 2023 1:37 pm

I mean…. If a guy at night comes up to my campsite and I’m with my woman and they are talking rape stuff and I’m carrying….. they might catch some bad ones. What a horrible situation to think about tbh. I hope I wouldn’t sh!t the bed if I’m ever in it.

I also heard they are super good fisherman, but about everyone in Ely thinks they are closeted homosexuals.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Sadistic....

Tue Jul 25, 2023 8:20 pm

I’ve become more callus as I’ve aged. Nature is hard. I’m not cruel and I certainly have sympathy and empathy where appropriate but I don’t shed any tears over the passing of time, trees, or fuzzy things unless I have a real sentimental connection.

The world can be beautiful and cruel all at the same time. It’s all one big system, ever changing, and everything’s gonna be ok whether we like it or not

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